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April 2, 2010

Song-Hee Kim


THE MODERATOR: We're here with Song-Hee Kim. Congratulations on a great round, your standing of 7-under par, leading the golf tournament. Can you talk about your round?
SONG-HEE KIM: Thanks for having me. I had a great round today, and my swing was really smooth and comfortable, and also I had great putting today.
THE MODERATOR: Can you tell me about the golf course and how you like it and how you played last year?
SONG-HEE KIM: Actually this is my second time to play this tournament, and last year it was -- I mean it was windy, so I didn't have good memory at this tournament.
So anyway, I played two rounds. So it's good.

Q. How exciting is it for you to be in this position right now, and of course, all the attention because of the importance of this tournament?
SONG-HEE KIM: You know what, I had a lot of times this position, you know, so it's the same feel, you know. I like it.

Q. Even though it's a major tournament, just the fact that you're where you want to be right now, does that make it a little bit extra special for you?
SONG-HEE KIM: Of course, yes. Different than normal tournament.

Q. Hi there. That's the best round of the day on a very tough golf course. How did you manage to get around -- what did you do particularly well today?
SONG-HEE KIM: I always think about the fairway and greens, not to the pin. So I know this course is really tough, so I never try to make hard decisions.

Q. And you said you putted well today?

Q. Long putts? Short putts? Everything?
SONG-HEE KIM: Yeah. Everything was good.

Q. You're going to be in the last group of a major tomorrow. Have you been in that position before?
SONG-HEE KIM: You mean --

Q. In a major?
SONG-HEE KIM: Not really. First time I guess.

Q. Does that make you nervous?

Q. I know you've been working with Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriott. What are the things that you are thinking the most of these days that are different in working with them than before?
SONG-HEE KIM: They always telling me about what I think on the course, what I need thinking on the course. So I always try -- I mean I always think like bad things or negative things. So they make me thinking more positive or happy things.

Q. Can you teach us some of those happy and positive things, too?
SONG-HEE KIM: I mean I really like frozen yogurt. They keep reminding me think more frozen yogurt. Like I say, I like frozen yogurt. I always say that, so that makes me pretty happy.

Q. Any specific flavor?
SONG-HEE KIM: Yeah. I mean just regular.

Q. Vanilla?

Q. Song-Hee, do you feel like you're ready to win?
SONG-HEE KIM: I always been ready to win.
THE MODERATOR: Any other questions? Thank you so much, Song-Hee.
SONG-HEE KIM: Thank you.

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