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March 31, 2010

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/J. Tsonga
6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Were you checking the soccer about Barcelona?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I saw the match. I saw the match, yeah.

Q. How did to feel out there tonight?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it's amazing going on court with this atmosphere. Full court. Crowd was always very emotional here.
It's very, very -- I'm very happy to play at this level tonight against very difficult opponent like Jo.
It's very important victory for me. I'm very happy for that.

Q. Look ahead to Andy. You guys played quite a few times?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, you know, when you play against Andy always is a big challenge. His serve, and he's a very good competitor. He's a winner. Gonna be very tough match, no? I think I have to play my best tennis to try to win.
That's what I gonna try, and I think being in semifinals another time is very good new for me. Sure, right now remains a little bit more, and gonna try my best to win this title?

Q. Ian Tiriac said this week that he doesn't understand why you don't play Madrid. The tournament will continue to be a great tournament without you. What's your opinion?
RAFAEL NADAL: Ian Tiriac probably doesn't know if I play Madrid, or not because it's in my schedule, so...

Q. When you take a decision if you played Madrid or not?
RAFAEL NADAL: I play Madrid. I told you before. I said Madrid is in my schedule. Probably or Ian Tiriac don't know about my schedule, or you understand bad from him.

Q. Does playing Andy seem more like a final than a semifinal?
RAFAEL NADAL: A final? Looks like semifinal. Semifinal. You know, we're in semifinals here.
Every match is difficult. No one anticipate final in this tournament. It's very difficult tournament; and the matches are difficult.
You know, the other side of the draw is still very hard, too. It's a semifinal. It's a very difficult semifinal. I think it's a good semifinal against two of the best players of the world.

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