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March 26, 2010

Kevin Na


Q. Very solid round, your thoughts.
KEVIN NA: I hit it pretty good out there. Felt like I left a few out there. I didn't play the par 5s very well. Was 4-under on par 5s yesterday but even on the par 5s today, which, you know, was the difference from yesterday and today. I only made one bogey which is not that bad but it was a 3-putt, unfortunately.
But you know, overall, it was pretty good out there and I think I'm going to be right there for the weekends.

Q. Always great with birdies, certainly but the par save you had at 17 was a great one, too.
KEVIN NA: It was a pretty easy bunker shot, and I thought it looked pretty padded down and was pretty dark, but fortunately there was more sand in there than I thought and had to leave myself a 10-footer for par and I got away with it.

Q. How much of a learning process is it out there now two rounds into this tournament with the new greens?
KEVIN NA: Definitely the greens are different than the past years I've played here. But you know what, the greens have been -- the ball has been reacting to what it seems like, so it's been pretty good.
It's all good except I was even on the par 5s, and you have to be at least 2-under, 3-under on the par 5s. 16 is playing like a par 4. I hit in the right trees, made par. That's like giving more than a half a shot to the field.

Q. Would you play the par 5s any differently?
KEVIN NA: Actually, yesterday I was able to get -- I was able to get to 4 and 2. Today I had no chance. I actually had a great third shot and missed the putt.
Didn't cut the corner enough on 6. Didn't have a chance to lay it up. The other hole, laid up. Actually never had a chance to get on two in any of them, except 16 was a 5-wood or something but I hit it in the trees?

Q. Seems your putting has been -- I know you had a 3-putt today but overall, it's working well?
KEVIN NA: I had a lot of good putts and it's been pretty good. So keep putting well and I'll be right there.

Q. Is that something you've been working on this year?
KEVIN NA: Actually I got off to a good start with the putter. I always feel that's a strong point of my game, and last couple of weeks have been a little shaky but right back to where it was.
The fairways were soft. The course is playing longer. The wind is starting to come up. But I thought the course is playing easier, but the pins are more difficult. So I think it's kind of evening out.

Q. Will you notice, Mr. Palmer made a lot of changes and said there were going to be different pin locations. Did you notice them today?
KEVIN NA: Definitely. There's a few out there that's that wasn't there, you know, but still got two more days so it will be interesting.

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