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March 6, 2010
Q. Statistically didn't look like anything to write home about, but tell me about it.
MATT EVERY: I actually played really well today. My misses were -- I actually felt like I hit it the best I've hit it in a long time today. Just got some heinous breaks early. 6, I made bogey and got four bad breaks on that hole. It was unbelievable. For the most part, I'm pretty pleased.
Coming in, those holes weren't playing easy. You know, I made a couple mistakes, but I'm pretty happy with my round today.
Q. Are you pleased with the way, more than anything, the way you dealt with the as university the bad breaks?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, I'm getting older, so I'm handling it a little better. I used to lose it if that happened to me before, but I'm getting better.
Q. You're in position on Sunday, looking at the big picture, you're probably where you want to be?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, this is my third time this year having a realistic shot at winning. I felt good out there today. So hopefully tomorrow have the same feeling.
Q. Anything more to work on? Anything else you feel like you need to get right?
MATT EVERY: No, my stuff's pretty good right now.
Q. Maybe those bad breaks turn into the good breaks and balance things out on Sunday?
MATT EVERY: Maybe, two knows.
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