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May 29, 2005

Joe Inman


Q. I'm sure you must be disappointed.

JOE INMAN: No, it's just I just had too far to go for the green. So I laid it up, I had 95 yards. 89 and 6. And I flew it probably a hundred. I flew it about five, six yards past the hole. And it comes right back in the water. So I move up three or four yards and now I only have 92 yards and I fly that, maybe six or seven yards past the hole. Right back in the water. I mean I don't spin the ball that much. So now what do you do? So I mean it's not a pitching wedge, if you carry it too far you're dead. You can't you know, so now the next one I just hit kind of thin and it only landed about pin high. But it came in low. It still came back in the water.

Then the next two I shanked. Now I had the ball so for back now and I'm swinging so damn hard to get it as far buy the hole as I could get it, I just cold shanked two in the water. And I looked at my caddy and I said, how many balls do we have left? He said one. The pressure is on. Last ball. So I hit it, I aimed further left and put it over and then kind of chunked it enough that it didn't have much spin and so it stayed on the green. And then I 3 putted for 15. But, I mean, I tried every one of them. I you know, I wasn't not trying. And I wasn't going to quit. And I went on and played and I didn't scream and yell, but I never realized that I just don't, can't understand how that green can be that soft. I just can't understand that. How that ball comes back that far. First two balls carried at least five or six or seven yards past the hole.

Q. Johnny Miller said he must be using his Calcavecchia wedge it spun so much.

JOE INMAN: And I don't spin the ball. I'm using the X ball which has less spin than the other one. I don't spin it. You know, I hit it and I'm just I was just I was just completely mystified.

Q. What wedge was it?

JOE INMAN: Sand wedge. 53 degrees.

Q. And you never changed it? You didn't change the club did you?

JOE INMAN: No. No. I mean I now my pitching wedge I hit 115, 120 yards and I only had 92 yards, I mean I hit that about 100 to 101 or 102, 103. Somewhere right around a hundred yards when I hit it full. And so I did just that. And I hit it left of the hole which I thought was I mean I'm just I was I was absolutely mystified. I could not believe it.

Q. You're down to the last ball, what goes through your mind?

JOE INMAN: Well, I mean, I'm not going to go he was going to run and get them. Because I wasn't going to quit. You just can't quit. I don't believe I never, would never quit. Unless I'm hurt. If I'm hurt, I'm hurt. But I'm not if I shoot 125, I'm turning it in. I mean, it's just the wrong signal to send when you quit. So I was going to play. We were down to the balls he was searching through the bag.

Q. It was the last ball?

JOE INMAN: It was the last ball.

Q. The last used ball?

JOE INMAN: The last used ball. I mean, we had been through the new ones. So we were down to if we weren't at 18 you know, he got and went and got some more for the front. But I was just, I just, I was I couldn't believe it. I mean I was just in shock. I was just in absolute shock I was in shock. I couldn't I just have never I don't I guess I could go back I just don't think I ever made a double figure. Because I'm not that kind of player. I'm just not John Daly, that's not how I play. I don't go for things, because I can't get there. So I'm always the one who lays up. And I don't ever remember making a double figure score. I do remember making a nine at Memorial when I hit the green in two on a par 5 and I ended up one of the putts I got in there and hit my foot and we stood there for a while to figure out what it was. But that was a 7 putt. But with penalties and all. But this I just am still in shock.

I mean I just did not realize the front of the green was like that. Because on the right it's not. There's some grass there. This is the only place on the green I just didn't realize that that green was set up like that there. I hadn't really looked at it enough or played the course enough, I just didn't know that I was completely unaware you could fly it five or six yards by the hole and end up in trouble. I mean I did not know that.

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