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August 21, 2009
Q. Boo, you had the birdie at 10. Got it to 9-under and you were grinding the rest of the way.
BOO WEEKLEY: Yeah. I kind of lost my momentum there a little bit and then just the front side I hit it real good. The backside it was hit and miss. You know, we got it in. That's all that matters.
Q. They talked a lot about how the rough has grown here in the last year and I know your last two tee shots you really had to go after those balls.
BOO WEEKLEY: Yeah. Didn't drive the ball as well as I like with my driver for some reason, but we'll go to the range in a minute and work on it a little bit and see if we can pinned something.
Q. Eagle you had on the front-9, knocked it stiff, 7 feet. Talk about that.
BOO WEEKLEY: Just a perfect club. Couldn't go with the club we had. Like 211, 212. I hit a 5-iron. I absolutely flushed it. It flew the right distance and it was good.
Q. So 8-under par, your thoughts as you go into the weekend.
BOO WEEKLEY: I just got to putt the ball a little better. I'm hitting the ball pretty solid. I got to get my putter going a little bit more, I think I can doing some.
Q. What do you think about the course?
A It's a great layout. I like the way it sets up. If I hit 3-wood off line, that's fine.
Q. The rough is nasty?
Q. Thick?
BOO WEEKLEY: It was wispy last year. The scores are probably a lot lower.
Q. Where did you start?
BOO WEEKLEY: What do you mean?
Q. Didn't you go back out this morning?
BOO WEEKLEY: Yeah. I started at 7:45 and went back out at 10:20.
Q. What hole did you start on?
BOO WEEKLEY: Started on 2. Finished the putt on 13. No. No. 4th? One, 2, 3, 4. Yeah. I made a little old one, three footer on the first hole back out and then I missed another -- I 3-putt again.
We made them putts early this morning then made the first -- right out of the gate I hit it like four feet.
Q. 18th hole?
BOO WEEKLEY: Ain't no place to land it. Land it on the left side, kicked off in the left rough, land it on the right side, kicks off in the right rough.
Q. The heat and humidity here at Greensboro, most players want a nap. You say you're ready to go to the range. 65, 68 on the golf course that you saw for the first time this week. How do you feel?
BOO WEEKLEY: I feel good. The layout is great. I like the way it sets up. I just need to drive the ball as well as I want. I got in the backside in the rough a couple holes.
Q. Your two victories coming at Harbour Town and Verizon. That golf course around this length, tree line, shot makers golf course.
Do you see similarities here at Sedgefield?
BOO WEEKLEY: Little bit. Not quite as -- Hilton Head is a little more tighter. The rough ain't quite as deep. The rough here is pretty brutal. You get it off in there, you got a long shot you got to lay it out and take your medicine.
Q. Lot of people talk about the Donald Ross designed greens but is the rough the biggest defense for this golf course right now?
BOO WEEKLEY: Yes, by far it is. The greens are a little soft. The way the weather is, the root system on the greens right now, they're having some trouble with them. They're spiked up pretty good. They get beat up pretty hard for all the guys that are here.
I'd say the toughest part is the rough. You keep it out of the rough, you can get it on the green, you can get a chance to make a putt, let it bounce in there.
Q. Good luck the rest of the way.
BOO WEEKLEY: I appreciate it.
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