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August 13, 2009
S. BAMMER/S. Williams
7-5, 6-4
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Do you feel like the heat and the beginning-of-the-week-illness played a factor today?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I definitely wasn't as fit as I normally was. I never played worse in my life. It was really a bad match. I think I had about 50 unforced errors.
Any other questions? (Laughter.)
Q. Will you be doing any touring for your book?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I hope to do a lot of touring. I really want to go out there to the fans and where they are and sign.
Q. Cleveland, Ohio?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Hopefully I can make it there. I would love to do a lot. The tennis schedule is so hectic I have to see where I'll go.
Q. When your sister is on the opposite side of the bracket, a lot of people look at that. Is that something you think about?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No, I just look to see which side we're on. That's the only thing I look for.
Q. Besides not feeling well, was there any other reason for having troubles today?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No, I just did not play well at all. I hit balls in the bottom of the net and made so many unforced errors it was wasn't my -- anyone could have beaten me today. It wasn't my day.
Q. In the past when you've had games like that you've been able to turn it around. What was different about today?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Not always. You can't always turn them around. Sometimes I can't and sometimes I do. I guess today was another one that I couldn't.
I really tried. I just kept making errors down to the last shot. I haven't hit that many errors in a few years, actually.
Q. Were you feeling that during practice today, during warm-ups?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No. I actually felt really good in warm-ups. I think I hit about 50 balls off the frame, in the match. I don't think you ever feel that bad going into it, but it is what it is. It's whatever.
Q. It's kind of ironic. Venus had the same problem with a whole lot of unforced errors today.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I've been training so hard. So this is a little disappointing. But I hope my hard work pays off eventually, because I have been working really, really hard. We'll see.
Q. Did you get a chance to talk to Venus before you went out?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No. I saw her after the match, and she just said she had made a lot of errors. I was like, Wow, I didn't think I would do the same thing, so...
Q. Do you guys use each other to bounce that off when you both have had losses in the same day?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, we don't lose too much in the same day, so usually I'm so pumped - and I was pumped today. I just couldn't get it together.
That's fine. I can't be on my game every day. You know, as long as I say I went out there and I did what I could do today, that's all I can do. I just hope I don't have another day like this for another several years.
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