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August 13, 2009

Gonzalo Fernandez Castano


Q. A round of 70 today. How do you assess your round?
GONZALO FERNANDEZ-CASTANO: Well, it's probably the best putting round of the year for me, even though I 3-putted my sixth hole, the seventh, the par 5, I can't be happier. I think I holed everything within 20 feet. So I needed some longer ones.
I can't ask for any better. Even though my driving was good; my iron game wasn't that accurate. But my putting was great. So very, very happy.

Q. Why were you so good on the greens? What have you been doing to work on that?
GONZALO FERNANDEZ-CASTANO: Well, I've been working the last couple of days with Stan. I see him from time to time. And it really paid off. It really did. My putting was huge today. And, of course, I think playing last week also helped me just to get a little bit used to the speed of the greens here in the U.S., which I think it's much quicker than what we do, what we play in Europe.

Q. Did the conditions change somewhat during the afternoon?
GONZALO FERNANDEZ-CASTANO: I can't tell. I can't tell because I didn't watch any golf this morning. I was sleeping. But just looking at the leaderboard, the 5-under the 4-under they were made this morning. So probably the greens were a little bit better. I didn't know about the wind. I can't tell, but definitely the best rounds of the day were in the morning. So we'll tell in the morning.

Q. Did you enjoy yourself out there?
GONZALO FERNANDEZ-CASTANO: Yeah, it's been a great season for me, even though I haven't won. I am having a hell of a year. My baby's coming in two weeks. I can't ask for any better. Just go out there and enjoy it.

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