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June 27, 2009

Kimberly Kim


Q. Playing really well, you knew she was on today, did you begin to change the way you were playing and did you become aggressive at any point because you realized you had to make birdies?
KIMBERLY KIM: The course is a really good match-play course because you can birdie every single hole. But the bad part about it is you can't be aggressive on par 5s and stuff, you can't just go for it because it's so dogleg-left, you have to hit a perfect drive.
So it's not like you can really be aggressive or anything, because every single hole, you have like a 9-iron or pitching wedge, and so it's basically both of us could be aggressive, because we only have like -- we always had within 150 yards.

Q. What's in the future for you? What are you going to do next, play in the Girls' Junior?

Q. Are you looking forward to that? .
KIMBERLY KIM: Kind of. It's really good food at that tournament (laughing).

Q. Have you proved something to yourself, that you're kind of back, to make the finals?
KIMBERLY KIM: No. I'm a perfectionist, people don't necessarily think that, but I am, so like before coming here, I already said like I have a lot to work on. But in my mind, I'm just thinking, I still have a lot to work on. Like I still want everything to be perfect. So I have a lot to work on.

Q. But did you feel like in any way you made some good strides towards coming back? Do you feel like you made progress?
KIMBERLY KIM: Maybe to other people, but not to myself. To myself, I'm just playing, but maybe to others' opinions, I'm coming back.
I'm playing the PGA Junior.

Q. Are you focussing on next year, the Curtis Cup?
KIMBERLY KIM: It's like a dream. Like that was probably -- we had such a good team. Our team had like the best people, ever.

Q. Do you want to play in another one?

Q. It's in Essex, that's where the Curtis sisters are from.
RHONDA GLENN: Thank you.

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