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June 25, 2009

Ricky Barnes


Q. Great start. Keeping on, keeping on on.
RICKY BARNES: Yeah, today I wanted to come back and rebound, obviously, from what happened last week. But today reminded me of the first round of last week. Just really solid, hit a lot of greens, had a lot of good looks.
You know, if I wasn't making birdie, I had a lost stress-free par 5s. Even had a few extra good looks on the last nine coming in that I didn't even convert on on 14 and 16.
Overall, good comeback, hit a lot of fairways, a lot of greens. I'm definitely pleased with 5 under today.

Q. When you and I had spoken you had just arrived on Tuesday, and said you were exhausted. How you feeling?
RICKY BARNES: I still don't think I'm going to really grind today after today. It's obviously mentally. I really got in the moment today for 18 holes. I'll go do a little bit of short game practice. And definitely get my rest again. Because I plan on playing not only you know this week and next week, but, you know, I'm looking forward to the future as well.

Q. And you're one of the first players we've spoken to that have come off the golf course today. Can you tell us how it's playing and what players should expect this afternoon?
RICKY BARNES: It's great. The greens are pretty firm as of what, two days ago. They softened up a little bit. We had more rain. That also means you're hitting a little bit longer clubs into greens because it's not rolling out that well. But the course is in great shape. Greens are rolling really well. They're not as fast as they'd probably be from here on out.
But it's in great shape. I'm surprised that it's as firm as it is compared to what we just had, about two hours away worth of rain.

Q. How did it feel to get back on the tee today?
RICKY BARNES: It was good. I felt really comfortable. I kind of settled down really quick. I hit a really good drive off of one, and kind of settled in. I hit a lot of fairways today. I hit a lot of quality shots. And it's kind of reminiscent of last week. My misses were in the right spot.

Q. How much of a relief was it to not have to go out there and grind today?
RICKY BARNES: Big time. I think it would have taken more toll on me mentally as opposed to physically. But it was good. Like I said, it took a lot of stress off myself from being in the middle of the fairway and hitting quality shots.

Q. Do you find that there's an increased notoriety after what happened over the weekend with the galleries? Can you get any feel for people kind of knowing you and saying your name and what have you?
RICKY BARNES: Especially being in the week after. Obviously, a few weeks removed. It probably wouldn't have. But I wanted to get back out and start playing. I'm playing well. And I think any golf fan, you know, I probably came more on the radar than I did the previous four or five years.

Q. Can you take us through the process of coming off the U.S. Open into this week, how that went for you?
RICKY BARNES: You know, just trying to get a lot of rest. I was pretty beat up. We had long, long days. And obviously early morning here as well. It settled down so quickly into the round. We got it to one under, it was after 3. And birdied the par 5, and just really settled in.
If you had told me I had a bogey free round today, whether I had five birdies or not, I would have been pretty stoked.

Q. What do you do tonight? Just sit back, relax? Crash?
RICKY BARNES: Yeah, I'll go out, get a little practice in. Work up a little sweat here. Ride the bike or something, and like you said, get off my feet. We've been on a lot of slushy wet conditions here in the last, what do you want to say, week or so. So I'll get my rest, and I'll be ready to go tomorrow.

Q. I think we saw the sunshine a little bit?
RICKY BARNES: We did. I saw it coming off 18. It was good to see.

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