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June 7, 2009

Matt Bettencourt


Q. Just for someone who's working here, how exciting is it to be in the final round here? How exciting is that?
MATT BETTENCOURT: It's awesome. It's a dream come true. Best golf course I've ever played. I mean, the conditions, everything about it was just perfect this week, the weather.
The crowds were the best. So, yeah, it's like living a dream. It was great. Really enjoyed the moment.

Q. Today was great too?
MATT BETTENCOURT: Absolutely. It's great. Are you kidding me?

Q. Did you catch yourself looking at the leaderboard and see Tiger playing?
MATT BETTENCOURT: I actually didn't look at the leaderboard. I can't control what anybody does. I can only do what I can do and play the best I can play. Unfortunately, I hit three or four bad shots, and it really cost me.

Q. Certainly seemed like you and Mark Wilson got along well?
MATT BETTENCOURT: Mark and I got along great. He's a great guy. It's a joy to play with Mark. Great time.

Q. So what happened today was a golf thing, not an attitude?
MATT BETTENCOURT: Absolutely. It's a tough golf course. You hit a few bad shots, and you're going to get penalized out here.

Q. You hear the roars and wonder what was going on?
MATT BETTENCOURT: You know. Absolutely. He's the king. He's the best.

Q. What do you take away from this tournament as a whole? What it does for you.
MATT BETTENCOURT: That I know that I can play with the world's best at any time. I don't know if I would change anything about my game.

Q. How validated do you feel?
MATT BETTENCOURT: Very much so. Very validated. Thank you guys.

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