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May 24, 2009
Q. How did you enjoy your game this week? I know it's been a long tournament.
BILL BRITTON: It's great. It's the highlight of the year for me. I played Kiawah and Oak Hill and it's the best tournament I play all year. So for me at this stage of the game, at my age, playing a tournament like this is really a treat.
Q. How does it feel to represent your club and the area?
BILL BRITTON: Great. It's fun because the people at home get excited. I've had a few phone calls and I try not to pay too much attention because then they -- but it's very nice, the people get into it quite a bit. They get pretty excited. So it's nice to be a part of that.
Q. Was there a certain part of the week that maybe stood out or a certain hole or a certain shot that you kind of won't forget?
BILL BRITTON: I don't think so. I mean again for me to be out here with these grounds, I played some practice rounds with some great players. I got play with Dave Stockton who you probably don't know, but he's a terrific player. So it's been neat to play with great golfers and talk to them and just play golf too. It's a great golf course.
Q. Do you have anything else lined up for the summer or what do you think you'll take away from this experience?
BILL BRITTON: Oh, you're asking tough questions today. What will I take away? Again, you know, it's nice when you're around really good players, it just makes you feel better about your game and my experience.
I'll play the local tournaments in New Jersey the rest of the season and maybe I get in another one of these, it would be a treat.
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