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February 6, 2009

Gisela Dulko

Ricardo Rivera


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. (Question regarding playing Jill Craybas.)
GISELA DULKO: She's a good player. For sure she wants to play very good. She has this opportunity to play the first time for the United States, so she will be very motivated.
I don't know. I'm going to try to play my best.

Q. Argentina is known as a clay court nation. But you have Del Potro, Nalbandian, very good on hard courts. How do you feel on hard courts?
GISELA DULKO: We are used to play on hard courts. We don't have any problem with that on the court. It's pretty slow. It's not as fast as we thought.

Q. How are the conditions on the court? Do you find that the ball flies? Mary Joe said the court was slow to medium. Have you had to change your string tensions or make any adjustments for the conditions?
GISELA DULKO: We felt that the ball was flying a little bit because of the altitude here. We had to change or strings a little bit.
We had a week to get used to, practicing.

Q. (Question to Gisela regarding playing Jill.)
GISELA DULKO: Like I said, it's a very tough match I think for both us. Especially playing for our country, we never played against each other in this situation. We are both No. 1 of our teams. For sure we want to win this match badly.
Yeah, I think it will be tough for both. It will be very interesting.

Q. What is the key to dealing with pressure?
CAPTAIN RIVERA: When you play for your country, the motivation is different. When you play for your country, it is much more.

Q. How many hours have you practiced?
CAPTAIN RIVERA: We practiced between four to five hours a day. We practice a lot, and we try to do the things right. Now we play against the United States, they have great players. So we're going to do our best.

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