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October 9, 2008

Sarah Lee


JASON TAYLOR: Nice job today, 4-under and one back from the leader right now. You have to be happy with how you did today.
SARAH LEE: Yes, I'm really happy. And then like last six not making bogey, which is really good for me because I been struggle beginning of the season.
I got injured so I cannot practice and my confidence was getting low.
But it's almost the end of season, but it's good to be low score. Yeah, I'm really happy about it.
JASON TAYLOR: Off to a good start. What do you look to to tomorrow and the rest of the weekend?
SARAH LEE: Yeah, I heard the weather will be really cold and windy. Main thing is keep in fairway and greens, and then make as many as I can.
JASON TAYLOR: You finished early today because you were in the first group to go out. You have all day. What do you do now?
SARAH LEE: Actually, I'm going to have some lunch first. More putting and short game.
JASON TAYLOR: More practice?
JASON TAYLOR: All right. Thank you. Good luck tomorrow.

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