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August 24, 2008
Q. What were you thinking on the final putt on 18?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I wanted to hit a great putt and give it a shot, and I did. I hit it right where I wanted to and the speed I wanted to, and it looked real good with about four or five feet to go and just curled left on me. So, wasn't meant to be.
Q. Could you taste the win from there --
KEVIN STREELMAN: I could. I wasn't tasting it from 244 in the fairway, but when I saw the ball pin-high about 20 feet, I thought, let's try and make this thing. I gave it my all. I gave it my A Game for the last three holes and showed a lot of guts I think.
Q. Your experience this week and the personal part of it, is it all starting to come together now?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I was telling everybody, we just secured my TOUR card for next year, which to me was a huge goal going to this year and hopefully will take a lot of pressure off my play.
I'll play five or six events the rest of the year and try to have a lot of fun with them, and who knows, maybe get that extra shot or two that I left.
Q. And you became the favorite son of New Jersey.
KEVIN STREELMAN: I hope so. I have so many friends and family here, and New York is the greatest city in the world and it's good to be around here.
Q. Can you talk about what the whole experience meant for you?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I've had some crazy weeks this year but this probably tops them all; to be able to share them with everybody and all my relatives and my brother and brother-in-law, and my nephew flew in this morning and they are all here. I was so disappointed the way I started the day, but really tried to hang tough, and man, tried to make it exciting.
Q. Can you talk about 16?
KEVIN STREELMAN: 16 I hit a great drive. I was struggling with my driver today and finally hit a great drive, 104 to the pin and downwind, lob-wedge and tucked it a hair, had probably a 25-, 30-footer and read it great, a foot off to the left and just held on it and gave a nice fist-pump after that.
17 pushed my tee shot a little right and I've been there the last two days and knew I would be all right. I hit a cut 4-iron to get in that position and probably my second best shot of the day, wedge this there, was very difficult to shop to because it's on a plateau and anything long runs off and short comes back and I hit it dead, pin-high and canned that 4-footer to get going.
Then just came out of my tee shot on 18. Hit in the trees right, kicked back into the fairway, 244, 214 front and trying to land it on the front edge. I initially had 4-iron out, switched to 3-iron, played a high cut, and right when I hit it, I knew it was good, trickled pin-high.
I read that downhill about 20-footer there, to probably break about a foot left, and thought I got it right where I wanted to and just curled left on me right at the last second.
Q. You're 37th now in the FedExCup standings, what does that mean going up to Boston?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It frees me up a lot. I wasn't expecting to be that high, so I really have nothing to lose. To get in next week is great. To get in the week after that would be great. To get in THE TOUR Championship would be a dream rookie season.
So I just have to take it one week at a time. As we see the volatility in the points; if you miss a cut, you jump back and if you make, it you move way up. That's just the fact of the matter. If I make next week's cut and make a Top-10 or so, put us in good position going into the last two.
Q. What do you think you proved to golf fans who maybe didn't know much about who you were?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I try and play with a lot of heart. I try and give it my all every day, whether I'm practicing or playing, and I'm not too far away from an honest paycheck. I grew up playing mini-tours for the past six or seven years where you're playing a lot of money to play for not much money. You grind out those extra couple hundred dollar paychecks to get gas in your car and food on the table.
So to me, obviously very blessed to play for this much money, but to just grind it out and know what we're playing for; and at the end of the year that, extra hundred bucks or so could be the difference of 126 or 125 on the Money List, or 30 and 31 on the Money List. That's a huge difference. From early on, I just said I was going to give it my all on every shot the whole year and so far I think I've done that.
Q. First time going into Sunday with a lead and Vijay Singh, pretty intimidating guy, and maybe not the best pairing in the world; how did you kind that pairing to be again first time going in on a Sunday?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I felt fine. I keep going back to this, but that day with Tiger really prepared me for I think anything. That just was such a chaotic experience and fun experience, that everything else seems a little bit smaller in comparison to that. And the final day at Q-School is like nothing I could describe to anybody. So days like that and this make it a little bit more bearable.
Q. How was it playing with Vijay?
KEVIN STREELMAN: He's a nice guy. I enjoyed it. We chatted a little bit and had some nice conversation and both obviously had to do our business but it was a nice day.
Q. He was away on that putt, and when you were standing over the ball, they showed the distance, it was 16'3".
KEVIN STREELMAN: Three inches difference, yeah, just try and get it as close as we can. It's okay. I hit a great putt. I hit a great putt.
Q. (How helpful was your wife this week)?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I have the greatest wife in the world. She's a financial analyst actually, so she takes care of all our books and doesn't let me spend too much, which is a good thing. She's a great friend and a great wife, very lucky to have her.
Q. Birdie at 6 and you hit the stick on 7 out of the bunker, were you thinking it could be your day?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It's still early. That's the hole where my grandparent were buried on. I was expecting to birdie that hole. I knew when I hit the stick, I knew they were helping me out a little bit. That stick was impossible, right to the edge of the green, probably 25, 30 feet, so that was pretty cool.
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