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August 12, 2008

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/L. Hewitt
6-1, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What kind of special feelings or impressions do you have for the Olympics? Do you feel anything different?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I said, for me be here is amazing experience. So happy for be here, no? For sure is a different feeling from normal tournament, no? So enjoying.

Q. Were you a bit surprised it was only three games you lost in that match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, for sure. I played against a very tough opponent like Lleyton, so I know I had to play my best for win before the match.
So I played very, very good match today, no? Very happy about my performance today. I think I play one of my best matches in the last weeks on hard court.

Q. The atmosphere, can you comment on that? It was very noisy, looked very lively out there.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, was very good, no? The court is a very nice court. So, well, was almost full today. That was perfect, no?

Q. In my impression you are a very good baseliner on the clay court. But as in Wimbledon, and as in today's match, we see you approach the net quite a few times and you did it very successfully. Is it a new tactic that you have for you to get a medal?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I always try improve my tennis, no? I think I did in the last years. So every year I was feeling a little bit better player. So I just try my best for continuing improve my tennis.

Q. When you're playing in the Olympics, do you feel you're playing more for yourself or for your country?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel like I play more for the country than usually, no? I think always we are representing our country in every tournament, because we play international tournaments. So we representing our country always. But here more than ever, no?

Q. How are you enjoying the general Olympic experience, the weather, and also life in the village?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I say, no, the other day. I enjoy a lot the village. Is totally, completely different experience than a normal tournament. So being there with the rest of the sport men [] of the world. So very happy for have the chance to live one experience like this.
So, I don't know, just very happy, and thanks very much everybody there, because everybody was very nice with me all the time, no?

Q. I would like to know what would you say about Roger Federer saying that he's going to get gold medal?
RAFAEL NADAL: What can I say, no?

Q. Are you going to get it?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no. He is one of the biggest favorites, no, if not the most.

Q. You, too.
RAFAEL NADAL: More him, no? He's more specialist than me in this surface. I gonna try my best for be there fighting in the last rounds, no, for have to try win a medal. You never know.

Q. What do you like more, win gold medal or beat Federer?
RAFAEL NADAL: Always win a trophy than beat the No. 1.

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