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March 14, 2004

Kevin Na


KEVIN NA: I missed three cuts in a row. Coming into this week I had a little different attitude. Last week I just fifth week in a row, and I didn't want to be on the road. I just wanted to go home. I had almost stopped caring. But this week I said, you know what, I'm tired, but I'm just going to grind it out, try my best and go home happy.

Q. Are you going home happy?

KEVIN NA: Yeah, I am.

Q. You're not going home, are you? Top 10?

KEVIN NA: I can't get in Bay Hill. It's an Invitational.

Q. Can you talk about you bought a dream?

KEVIN NA: Yeah, he sold it to me for a dollar.

Q. What was the dream?

KEVIN NA: He said someone gave him a hat. He said no, thanks.

He said, "take it." He said, all right, so he took it. Woke up and in the dream, when you translate it, that's like someone giving you a crown.

So he said came up to me this morning and goes, "You got a dollar?" I go, yeah; give him the buck. He goes, "You just bought my dream."

Q. Is that another Korean tradition, buying dreams?

KEVIN NA: You can buy dreams, yeah. He explained it to me.

Q. Are you confident and comfortable out here?

KEVIN NA: I don't know about so confident, but I feel like when I'm playing well, I can do all right. But this week, today, I was actually surprised how calm I was. It was just like when I won our TOUR Championship in Asia, I'm right there to lead, but I just don't feel it. I was just so comfortable. It's weird. Maybe because I was playing so well that was 2002. I didn't win anything last year.

Q. Money List?


Q. 3 under through 7, how many more chances did you have?

KEVIN NA: I had a lot of chances. 8, I thought I made it from 20 feet and missed it.

9, I almost had a chance and 3 putted and had a 6 footer coming back for par.

10, I had about an 18 footer for par. I was in the fairway bunker. I hit the lip, came back in and got it out about 18 feet and drained it.

Next hole, I had another 18 footer for birdie.

Next hole was about a 12 footer up the hill. I thought I made it and I started almost walking and just didn't have enough speed and just missed it.

Good 2 putt on the next hole.

14, got a great up and down.

15, I had a chance, left it short.

16, I thought I made it. Burned the edge. 17, I missed that green by a yard.

Q. What was the distance on the 3 iron?

KEVIN NA: I had 240 to the hole, downwind. You catch that right side and you get it up the hill, you can get it close. I thought it was good. It went in the bunker. Went out about 12 feet by the hole. I didn't read it right. Played too much break.

Q. You start the day eight back, when did you start checking the scoreboard?

KEVIN NA: First time I saw the scoreboard was on 9. I was in like third place. I said, it's looking pretty good. I said to myself, "Three more and you're going to win this for sure. Two more and you've got a chance." But I didn't get any coming in. Looked like I might have needed just one or two. But you know, when it's your day, those putts will fall in. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

But I'm just happy the way I played, a Top 5 finish, that's pretty darned good. It really helps me loosen up for maybe keeping my card this year, something like that.

Q. Playoff is not out of the question.

KEVIN NA: Oh, it's out of the question, trust me.

End of FastScripts.

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