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August 16, 2002

Kate Golden


NEAL REID: Can we go through your card real quick, birdies and bogeys.

KATE GOLDEN: I bogeyed No. 2. I missed the green to the right and hit up about six, eight feet and missed that for bogey.

Then I bogeyed number four. I missed my drive right and then hit it in the bunker and didn't get up-and-down. Hit it just to the back fringe and missed my putt coming back.

And then birdied number nine. I love number nine.

NEAL REID: How far was that putt.


NEAL REID: Four, yeah.

KATE GOLDEN: Probably about close to 20 feet. I hit it pretty far past the pin.

And then on nine I missed the green just pin high left and hit a good first putt for eagle and had about a foot and a half for birdie there on nine.

Bogeyed 10. Hit my drive in the left rough and missed the green right. Hit a little too far. Missed about a 8 footer and made bogey there.

Made a good birdie on 11. Made about a 35 footer there. For birdie.

Then I bogeyed 13. 3-putted. Hit the green and I just didn't have a chance from where the pin was. It was incredible where they put it today.

NEAL REID: How far was your par putt there?

KATE GOLDEN: Probably 12 feet. My first putt probably broke about 20 feet. I played almost straight up the hill. It almost did a U-turn and came back at me like this (Indicating) and I had about 12 feet going back to the hole. So I'm not sure which officials put the pin on 13. But I will find them today.


And then 15 I drove it in the bunker again and missed a shot left of the green and hit a wedge up and missed about a 20 footer for par there. And then on 17 I hit one in really close about a foot and made that for birdie.

NEAL REID: What club did you hit on 17?

KATE GOLDEN: 6-iron to about a foot.

NEAL REID: Then what about 13? What club did you hit in there.

KATE GOLDEN: 13, I hit an 8-iron into 13. Kind of downhill and the wind was blowing left-to-right and just, that's a tough hole today.

NEAL REID: You shot two over but right now you're still tied for second so you must feel not too bad, right.

KATE GOLDEN: That's good news.

NEAL REID: Questions?

Q. You kind of skimmed over it there going over your score card but going back to that ninth hole again I think you had the crowd pretty excited that you had a chance to putt for eagle again. Did you have to consult your notes this time or do you feel you know that hole pretty well now?

KATE GOLDEN: I actually got a good luck at Janice Moodie had missed the green left, I got a good look at her shot. I had the line and it stopped about a foot short right at the hole. So I gave it a good try.

Q. What was it like for you playing with the pressure of the lead today?

KATE GOLDEN: I was kind of nervous this morning. You always want to play well. You don't want to mess it up and all that kind of stuff. But like I said yesterday, I really haven't been hitting it that well and I hit it well yesterday and I didn't hit it so well today. And I managed to get off the golf course with the wind and the way it was set up pretty hard today. And I managed to get off with two over. So I'm pretty pleased.

Q. (Inaudible.)

KATE GOLDEN: Just its wind and the greens are firming up now and they have been watering the fairways and you hit driver and 3-wood and your ball just sticks. And you got a long iron into these greens that are starting to get firm. It's just tough to get the ball real close.

Q. Did you have mud on the ball in the fairways?

KATE GOLDEN: About three times today I did, yes.

Q. I know the heat is nothing new to golfers but can you just comment on what it's been like out there for golfers, with the heat?

KATE GOLDEN: This feels great. You just come visit us in Houston.

(Laughter.) No, it's, you get hot. You just got to drink a lot of water. And it's, this is not as bad as like Columbus was really hot. And we have had a couple really terrible weeks. And this is pretty toasty, but not too bad.

NEAL REID: Thank you very much.

KATE GOLDEN: Thank you.

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