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May 28, 2008

Chauncey Billups


Q. Just talk about where you guys are at right now, the task ahead. You've obviously been in this situation where you've had to win a six and a seven to advance. The fourth quarter run fire you up for it, wear you out?
CHAUNCEY BILLUPS: No, we're obviously in a must-win situation. The good thing about it is we're going home. We'll be in front of our fans. You know, we've been here before. We've been here before, and we don't like being in this position, but we've fought hard. We've fought really hard in this game, and we'll be definitely ready for Friday's game.

Q. Talk about what happened in the third quarter. How did that get away from you so quickly there as a team?
CHAUNCEY BILLUPS: It was obviously our worst quarter of basketball tonight. They got out on the open floor, some long rebounds, a couple turnovers. They got on the open floor and started hitting guys for threes, just wide-open threes. When you give a team that shoots the ball this well wide-open looks, no matter if they're struggling or not, that's a good way to get the ball rolling.
We made the mistake of giving them those kind of opportunities. We hadn't done that before this game. We hadn't given them too many opportunities, free looks at the basket, and today we had a tough quarter and they got it going. Ray Allen got it going, he got some looks. He's the kind of player when he gets good looks and he makes them, now it's easy to make those tough shots. That's a bad quarter by us, but we fought back and made it a game, and it could have went either way in the last minute.

Q. Obviously there are no moral victories and you lost, but do you take anything out of it? You beat them here in Game 2, a second game, you came real close to winning two games here. Can you take that if there is a Game 7 and apply that?
CHAUNCEY BILLUPS: We can't worry about if there's a Game 7, we have to worry about Game 6. It's at our place. It sounds kind of cliché, but as you see through the course of the game and any of these games, the most aggressive team is successful. They were aggressive in that third quarter, had a big quarter, and we were aggressive, extremely aggressive, in that fourth quarter, and the ball kind of started bouncing our way a little bit.
We know that, we've got to come out with some fire, and I know we will at home and just be extremely aggressive on both ends.

Q. You were tackled by Paul Pierce at one point, you were on the ground a lot, took a lot of hits, yet you had your biggest offensive output. Do you feel this was a breakthrough game in terms of fighting through the injury?
CHAUNCEY BILLUPS: Like I was telling somebody earlier, this is probably the best I've felt -- I felt really good in Game 2 before I tweaked it, and coming into this game, this is the best I've felt as far as moving-wise and being able to explode and get that step by people. This is the best I've felt, and hopefully I continue to get better, and at worst just feel the same, feel good about it.

Q. Some of the things that you heard coming into this series over Boston, like they hadn't won on the road before or tight things in the fourth quarter they've now done. What are you hoping to rely on in Game 6 given the Pistons' experience and everything that they've done to try to win that game that perhaps the Celtics haven't done yet?
CHAUNCEY BILLUPS: Well, I think just that. I mean, our experience and our being in this for so long and being in so many tough situations, and us being at home helps. Those are the kind of things that you've got to kind of lean on and rely on those kind of situations when you're facing elimination, especially against a tough team. We're going to come out and we're going to fight and we're going to scratch and we're going to claw and do the things that we've been known to do and try to get back here for Game 7.

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