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March 30, 2008

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You had to stop a couple times because of the rain. Was it difficult to keep a rhythm?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it was not the best day because I was playing unbelievable in the beginning, you know, playing very well, hitting very well the ball, and playing almost perfect match, no?
So I was very happy about my victory. When I come back to the court the ball was a little bigger and slower, and it was a little bit more difficult for me.
Anyway, I feel I played very complete match. Only thing the last game. It was more mistakes than usual.

Q. You play Mathieu next?
RAFAEL NADAL: I play Mathieu.

Q. Can you speak a bit about playing him? He's made a lot of progress in the last year.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he always is a very good player, no? I played against him some time before and it was always very, very tough matches. I know he's playing well. He's doing well. He won against Moya today, a very good match.
I saw the match on the TV, and he played very well. So I need continuing playing like this for try to win this match, no? So it's going to be an important match for me.

Q. I have one historical question for you. I know Carlos was your mentor, but Gustavo Kuerten, was he someone you admired when you were younger? And what do you think he meant to tennis, and especially clay tennis?
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, he's one of the most important players in the last years, no?
So I'm happy for met him. I'm happy for be here in the same tour like him. So I saw him winning in Roland Garros few times, won the Masters. Maybe was in Lisbon when he won. He won I think Agassi and Sampras, and he was the No. 1. So, well, he was amazing player. For sure, I have to admire Guga, no?

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