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February 3, 2008

Kevin Na


Q. Kevin, I know you're a little disappointed, but another solid event for you.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I keep putting myself in contention and one of these days I'll pull through. It was disappointing on the back nine. I hit it solid all week, and just the putter didn't come through.

Q. How tough were conditions out there today?
KEVIN NA: I mean, it did get a little warmer at the end, but in the first front nine it was freezing. I had the mittens on and it was tough to judge the distance because the greens were firm and the ball wasn't going as far, but the greens were firm. So you had to put a lot of factors in, so it was pretty tough.

Q. Another Top 10, you'll get that win soon.
KEVIN NA: Hopefully, thanks.

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