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December 5, 1995
ROBERT LUBENOFF: Well, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, welcome for this opening
press conference, news conference, of our sixth Compaq Grand Slam Cup at the Olympiahalle
in Munich. Before Thomas Muster and Byron Black start this tournament this year, the first
match in some time from now, we would like to give you the most recent information about
this tournament and share with you the philosophy of this tournament. Our guests, Dr. Axel
Meyer-Wolden, I do not have to introduce. To his right, Mr. Daniel Beauvois, managing
director of the new marketing company and organizer ISPR. And to the left of Dr.
Meyer-Wolden is Andreas Barth, European president of our sponsor Compaq. To his left, Mr.
Wilfred Spronk, managing director of the Munich Olympiapark Company.
DR. AXEL MEYER-WOLDEN: Well, good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to see you
again this year in Munich. Before starting, by way of introduction, could I ask you not to
ask any questions about the tax case I would appear to be involved in. Please respect
this. What I'd like to do here is answer any questions you may want to ask relating
directly to this tournament. And to this fact I am glad to say that over these last five
years this tournament which used to be a dream in the past has been what we wanted it to
become. It has established itself among the great tournaments of this world. It has an
acceptance nowadays with the players; with the Federations; with audience spectators, the
business community, the sponsors. This, for me, is a major satisfaction after many years
of developing this tournament. I am glad to state all this, and those of you who have been
with me over all these years know quite well that there is always also peace for my heart
in this tournament and I am glad to have it where it is today. Now, two important players,
Andre Agassi and Michael Stich, are not here this time. They had promised to be here, but
this is due to injury problems that we all know there is stomach muscle injury, pressed
muscle injury of Andre Agassi who, as you know, couldn't play the Davis Cup final in
Moscow; couldn't play the ATP final in Frankfurt and couldn't play Paris, Bercy. And in
the case of Michael Stich, you know what happened to him during that tournament in Vienna,
his injury. However, the reputation of this tournament is so general now that those
players, once they are injured, would not play here being, but leave their place to those
who are entirely fit which is very good; which means a lot of money they have to do
without, these players. In the case of Andre Agassi, it is even a very high amount of
money because being the winner of the Australian Open, he would have been entitled to a
bonus of $250,000 which he is not going to get this time because he is not able to play
this tournament. Now, if I am mentioning all this, it is in order to document the
seriousness of this tournament. They could have come and play a match or two and then
leave and take the bonus with them. They could have done so, but among players this is a
very highly respected tournament. They are serious enough not to do so. I appreciate this
and I wish to Andre and Michael all the best and good health and a very good coming season
in 1996. As far as the tournament is concerned, it is entirely also accepted by the people
of Munich. The tournament is very popular with the Munich people; with the people in all
the places surrounding Munich and well beyond except a few hundred remaining tickets for
Thursday and Sunday, the tournament is totally sold out. We are under such pressure, as
far as tickets are concerned, that all those involved who would have other duties to tend
to be not handling all the requests for tickets and hearing what do I have to do in order
to get one and so on, this is incredible. It is an incredible joy to see this happen at a
time where the acceptance of tennis tournaments is not always and at all places so great.
We see many empty halls in many great tournaments, especially during the first days. It is
only for the semifinal, for the final, that there is really a lot of desire for those
tournaments. This tournament, in Munich, knows that it can be quite different indeed. Why?
Because I believe there is an ideal sort of relationship here between sports, which, of
course, is the main focus of this tournament - there is no doubt about that, but on the
other hand, there is a lot of sport entertainment and social events and experiences here.
People like coming to this Olympiahalle in order to get all they are offered independently
of the play. In this connection I should again like to thank the old team Andreas Barth of
Compaq, Mr. Spronk, the MOG Managing Company of this hall. I'd like to thank them because
we have started all this together six years ago. They accepted a very high risk convinced
that we all would turn this into something most positive. We took these risks and knew
what we were in for and what we invested can be right today. Good investments have been
made independently; a very high obligation of this prize money helping the ITF who we have
been investing a lot into this tournament, indeed, in order to make it something special;
in order to create this special atmosphere and in order to give the sponsors and those
buying the VIP tickets, a sort of guarantee of entertainment which is recognized as being
at the highest level of all tournaments in this world. I am very happy that we have
reached this point. Before ending, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Daniel
Beauvois and the ISPR and to wish them all the best of success in order to continue going
this way as we have been doing for five years now. I will stay at their disposal helping
to giving my advice and for certain functions and things and mainly coordinating things
with the International Tennis Federation Grand Slam and so on. As far as the players are
concerned, I am going to stay in this tournament, otherwise my advice is always at their
disposal. And could I thank you again, the journalists, because you have accompanied me,
myself, our team over the years. There have been some conflicts in the beginning with the
tournament being very strongly criticized. But after these two years, you recognized what
has been achieved here and you did right about this. Thank you very much.
ROBERT LUBENOFF: Thank you, Dr. Meyer-Wolden.
DANIEL BEAUVOIS: I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Dr. Meyer-Wolden for his
trust, the trust he placed into our company to take the over the marketing and of this
tournament which is a major challenge for myself, for my team. We are very glad to be at
the beginning of the 1996 Compaq Grand Slam Cup. The marketing has developed very
positively last year. There have been five new sponsors for this tournament. Could I
mention them, the Beck's Brewery, the Faber Company, TV Spielfilm, television magazine,
Gerling Insurance Company and Nike, last but not least, and I think this was the case last
year. I could repeat that we have been very glad to sign another five years of our
contract with our title sponsor, Compaq, and the host broadcaster contract with Sat 1. As
far as tickets are concerned, we were very lucky. We had an excellent result in advance
booking this year. The hall would be complete today and of course, the television
marketing, which is what it is all about. The ISPR is a television marketing company
founded in 1991 and of course, we are looking forward to an excellent worldwide coverage
of this event, which is something I am especially proud of.
ROBERT LUBENOFF: Thank you, Daniel Beauvois.
ANDREAS BARTH: Good morning. On behalf of Compaq and all the other sponsors, ladies and
gentlemen, I'd like to extend our best greetings to welcome you here. It is a special
year. The first year of our new sponsoring period going until the end of this decade, and
we are following a most successful first period, the first period we are together with the
organizers and the players, we have been pushing this tournament forward and carrying it
on to the importance it has got today. Our relationship to sports has always been defined
in a somewhat different way compared to other sports sponsoring. We have been trying to
invest our know-how, our specific resources in order to make this tournament even more
attractive. As you know, there has been a database in previous years and this year for the
first time the tournament is on the Internet. We have been an on-line service called
"Baseline" for this tournament and internally here for you, the journalists, but
also worldwide, people can communicate over the Internet life and interactively. As you
know, Internet is right now the great novelty, the great communication tools of the future
as people used to use the telephone 20 years or more in order to communicate. Hundreds of
millions of people are going to communicate via the Internet in order to exchange
information; book trips; do their banking business and their shopping. And this is where
our database covering all the players statistics, health information about the players,
style of play and so forth, all this can be found in this database, but also the most
topical information on each and every match. On the Internet there are 40 million people,
maybe 100 million next year. It is growing at a tremendous speed and I do not think that
they are all going to follow and watch the tournament, but we should think that around
100,000 people are going to follow this tournament. We, in fact, have got some very
positive feedback from people that have locked in worldwide in order to get this
information. In your pressroom there are 50 personal computers so you can use the
Internet. You can use all the normal features of Internet. If you have some electronic
mail you want to send around the world, you can do so, pages of the Australian Open, all
the results of the U.S. Open, or an interesting offer for a new tennis racket can be
obtained over the Internet and even ordered. All this goes to show that we really try to
make this sport ever more attractive for the audience, for the crowd, for the journalists,
which is, by the way, not the only feature. We have co-developed with Benetton a computer
system for their fleet of Formula I racing cars, which may have helped Michael Schumacher
for the Tour de France. We have given our computers in order to transmit live data via
satellite; not only for TV networks, but also for the management of the Tour de France
which has got to do with all this on the road everyday. We believe that makes the sport
more attractive, and if tennis is supposed to be the top professional sport in the future,
the organizers, the players, and the sponsors have got to be very innovative, indeed. I
think we are making our contribution in this sense for tennis and this tournament to be
really at the front edge of progress in sports in the future.
ANDREAS BARTH: Well, ladies and gentlemen, being your host, it is my pleasure to
welcome you again in the Olympiahalle. We are very proud, indeed - Dr. Meyer-Wolden
mentioned it - to have been with the tournament for six years. We helped the tournament to
get started and although the basis is somewhat different, the tournament is going to stay
for another five years here, a tournament that has developed over the years in size, in
importance, and turned into an absolute highlight of the events. There are quite a few
ones I can show you here at the Olympic Hall in Munich and people not only coming here,
but watching the tournament worldwide, of course, learn a few things about the site of
this tournament too. So this tournament is a very important event for the Olympiapark
Company in terms of awareness, image and so on. After 23 years, this park would still
attract millions of visitors every year as we created for the Olympics in 1972, the five
million visitors have been surpassed again this year, so there is not any Olympic area,
worldwide, which is so popular and so flourishing. And as we close this century, of
course, we need these major events in order to show our position of -- as one of the major
large event organizers in Europe. So we are glad to be again the site for another five
years of this tournament.
ROBERT LUBENOFF: Thank you very much. Could I ask you to ask your questions and just
raise your hand and you will be handed a microphone.
Q. Dr. Meyer-Wolden, Boris Becker said in Frankfurt that that crowd was his crowd in
Frankfurt. And that they happen to be behind him like a wall. Can this still take place in
Munich? Is he going to talk about his crowd here or what did that mean in Frankfurt?
DR. AXEL MEYER-WOLDEN: Well, as we have been able to see in the past, the Munich crowd
isn't second to any crowd in Germany or the world. Boris Becker has been a child of this
city. He lives here and I suppose that the crowd is going to support him at least as they
did in Frankfurt.
Q. What is the capacity of the hall?
ROBERT LUBENOFF: Are there any further questions? There has been a lot of information
given to you, of course, so if there are no questions, everything is on Baseline;
everything is in the press file, the program magazine, so I would like to wish you, on
behalf of the press bureau, a very nice day in Munich. Could I ask you to note the
following: Every time you want a press conference with a player after the match, you just
let us know at the press office with our ITF ladies, so we can get you the player into
this room. Thank you very much.
End of FastScripts