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October 25, 2007

Jonathan Papelbon


Q. I imagine you make your million throws over to first base to get guys over the course of your career, but have you ever gotten a guy by that much of a margin and what was that play there in terms of why then?
JON PAPELBON: Well, you know, it was just a simple pick. You know, I just kind of held the ball and just delivered a basically simple pick-over. Probably will go down as one of the biggest outs in my career so far.

Q. Just curious, we talk so much about Josh and Curt and the veteran starters and Daisuke and all this, but what was it like to come in tonight and show that the young kids in the bullpen can come in in the clutch and deliver like this and get the win for you guys?
JON PAPELBON: Well, I think it all started with Okajima coming out and doing what he did. You know, it's kind of like us down there, we're a group that obviously we love to have fun, and obviously we all love challenges.
You know, I think that we all kind of just feed off of each other. That's what we did tonight; we just fed off each other and did what we normally do.

Q. You seem to have a pretty good connection with the people in this building, whether it's your dancing after the series clinches or even when you come into games they get obviously fired up. Do you derive a lot of strength from pitching in this place?
JON PAPELBON: No doubt about it. I think this place, you know, delivers an adrenaline and an intensity like none other. As a pitcher, you can either use that to your advantage, or it can hurt you.
I think that most of the guys in this clubhouse love that adrenaline, love that intensity and love playing here.

Q. The other guys talked about Curt and Tek talked about getting assigned to go to first. The philosophy is until you get a sign you don't usually throw to first, and what went through in that particular instance?
JON PAPELBON: For me I just -- that sign did -- I did get that from Tek, but for me, I pick sometimes when I'm not even supposed to pick, or it doesn't come from the dugout. Obviously I don't pick a whole lot, but the one time I do pick this season, it happens to be a big one.

Q. Were you surprised when you got him that easy?
JON PAPELBON: No, honestly I wasn't. I was kind of picking over there just to keep him at first base and not let him get a walking lead, and it actually kind of did surprise me, to be honest with you.

Q. From a competitive standpoint after a string of double-digit wins, how much different does it feel to pitch in a one-run game?
JON PAPELBON: It definitely was a different feeling, and for me I had to keep my emotions in check out there, and I pitch off of emotion, and there's no doubt about that. You know, because I do put a lot of hard work into this, and whatever good comes out of it is so rewarding to me, and yet emotion is a part of it, and you have to control it.

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