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September 16, 2007

Deanna Nolan

Katie Smith


KAREN KASE: Questions, please.

Q. Katie and Deanna both: Can you just talk about how difficult it was that they shot so well early on, and you had such a big hole to dig out?
DEANNA NOLAN: Well, it was making shots was part of it, but the whole thing was just defense. I thought our defense just wasn't there tonight. You know, and then the times we needed key rebounds when we got a stop, they'd get the offensive rebound. And times we didn't get the rebound, we didn't go down and convert on the other end.
Because we were making runs, but it's just that one rebound or that one shot, or just something. Defense.

Q. Can you describe how physical that game was today? There was a lot of bodies falling on the floor. Lot of elbows going here and there. Was this game any more physical than any others that you've played?
DEANNA NOLAN: I think this is the most physical game of the series, because it's an elimination game for both teams. It's what we expected. They just came out, and I thought they wanted it more.

Q. What do you have to say about that, Katie?
KATIE SMITH: The whole season's been like that. So this isn't anything that's different than what we do on a day-today day basis. This is for the championship, so nobody's leaving anything on the floor.

Q. Did you get that mark today?
KATIE SMITH: No, I got it at the other game.
DEANNA NOLAN: Game four.
KATIE SMITH: Obviously we took a beating out there.

Q. Why did it take you so long to get on track, because you had a really, really good fourth quarter?
DEANNA NOLAN: Well, I don't think it took me so long to get on track. I thought we wanted to go inside a little more in the first half. You know, start our presence inside. That wasn't working well for us, so, you know, it was time for me to look a little more for my shot. I don't say I was off track. I mean, I took shots.

Q. You said that you had some trouble inside today, does that add pressure to your game? How does that affect how you play?
DEANNA NOLAN: I don't think it adds pressure to our game. You know, we're shooters, we're going to shoot. I think it added pressure inside. As for them making moves to the basket, because as soon as they put it down, they were getting double and triple-teamed. So it was kind of hard for them to kick it back out to a guard to go and create or do something.

Q. Bill talked about the future of this franchise, and how you guys have a lot of free agents. Have you given any thought to - are you definitely coming back next year? Have you thought about that?
KATIE SMITH: I plan on being in the Olympics, so I was going to get in shape anyways during the off-season. So yeah, I've got enough left in these legs to go another round. And you know, I'd like to play with Tweety again if she wouldn't mind.

Q. Bill said that he thought maybe that the Phoenix was the hungrier team today, do you agree with that?
KATIE SMITH: Yeah, they played better. I mean, flat out. The energy, just a little pep in their step. They were making shots. Just were on it, you know what I mean? They looked like they were just clicking.
They played well, and obviously, we were just always playing from behind the whole game. And couldn't quite catch up. But they obviously, you know, kind of tasted what they wanted and they went for it.

Q. Obviously, this is very disappointing, but how disappointing is it? Especially after being a shot away, you know, in Phoenix?
DEANNA NOLAN: Well, exactly. Everybody knows we should have won Game 4 in Phoenix. But as you can see, Game 5 was another chance at it. Unfortunately, we didn't pull it out tonight.
I don't say it was disappointing for us, maybe because we won a championship before. But I also feel bad for the people that really wanted it. You know, as for getting their first one.

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