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August 31, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You seemed much more comfortable, closer to yourself out there. How were your knees feeling?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel better today. I feel with a little bit more confidence in the knees. But always decisive, very important for the game.
Sure, I'm not hundred percent yet, but I am little bit -- when I run, I'm with a little bit "precaucion". But so much better than the first day.
So, well, hopeful for the next match. I hope be better, little bit better, continuing improving for the next match against Tsonga. I play better, too. I feel more comfortable with the forehand and with the backhand, too.

Q. Do you still feel pain when you play?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not much, no. I feel better. I feel, you know, when you come back after the injury, difficult the beginning, you're not a hundred percent because you always have in the mind the knee. Unconsciously you run with a little "precaucion". That's important in one game because everything is close and everything is very difficult in tennis.

Q. It's tough to win the US Open when you're healthy, how tough is it going to be now that you're hurt?
RAFAEL NADAL: With both situations it's very, very difficult. With my situation more.
But, well, I am improving. I am improving. I feel better, so that's always very important.

Q. You are going to play Tsonga next round.
RAFAEL NADAL: I know he's very aggressive player. Big server. Very good forehand. He play with no much pressure. Little less than me. No much to lose for him. Always easier to play like this. I know I have to play a good match for try to win.

Q. He told us that you played together a lot of times when you were younger, under 16. Do you remember that?
RAFAEL NADAL: A lot, no. Two times, one time. I don't remember exactly.

Q. Do you remember that time?
RAFAEL NADAL: The truth is I just remember one time. The last time I think is in European Championship, under 16. He is one more year than me, one older than me, and he beat me. I don't remember. Close match. 7-6, 7-5, something like this.

Q. Is that a blister on the finger?
THE INTERPRETER: The nail opened a little bit. The juncture between the nail and finger, that opened a little bit when he was hitting a return.
RAFAEL NADAL: Just nothing.

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