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May 12, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How much of a physical test was that for you today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it was very, very tough physical test, but more mental test for me, I think.

Q. Does breaking McEnroe's record mean anything, or is your mind completely on the final tomorrow?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, always the same, no? It's nice to have this record, but most important thing tomorrow is the final of tomorrow for me. It's very important to be in this final, and I going to try my best to win for the third time.

Q. You normally react the way you reacted today when you've won the title. Did it almost feel, beating Davydenko, as though it was winning a title?

Q. Your reaction afterwards is usually the reaction that you do if you win a final.

Q. So it was almost as important to you --
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, it was not the final but very, very touch match. Very difficult match for me. Every time I have break-up, a lot of times he come back and break me the next game.
I serve for the match at 5-3 in the second. In the third I have 2-1, Love-30 so very tough moments for me. I was very near to lose. And I can't be all time very tough mentally today. So it was very, very important for me.
Always the celebration like this is after final, but it was not. Tomorrow I'm going to have a very difficult match for sure, but win today is very, very important.

Q. You finished with some great shots, and suddenly you seemed to have new strength. Where did you get that from? You suddenly at the end, your strength at the end came back.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. It was important to come back after the 2-1, Love-30 in the third. But in the total match I change a little bit tactic, no? I play a little bit more aggressive, so that's important. I play a little bit more inside the court. It was decisive in the end of the game.

Q. You: Up, down, up, down. Davydenko: Up, down, up, down in the match. Can you explain why?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think up down and up down, no? I just think we was more comfortable in the return, but not up, down, up, down, up, down, because 7-6, 6-7, 6-4. So all time it was very tough match. But we feel today more comfortable in the return than the serve.
I think all time we play hundred percent all the time together, no?

Q. After such a long run, so many wins, do you feel tired? Do you feel fatigued? Or do you feel okay?
RAFAEL NADAL: After the match of today?

Q. So many wins.

Q. Yeah.
RAFAEL NADAL: But it's after two years, no?

Q. Yeah.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, no, I feel with big motivation of the match tomorrow. Very important match for me. I know play the final is very, very good tournament, no?
But tomorrow going to be interesting final. Difficult against González always. He's a very difficult player. But try to have the same like always: Try to get the rhythm of the game.
I'm a little bit tired today because the match today was very tough, but for the rest nothing. I just focus on tomorrow.

Q. How have you been feeling with your dizziness and your stomach?
RAFAEL NADAL: I'm okay. 100% okay. No problems.

Q. Yesterday during the double you had a problem with the knee or the left leg. Do you still have problems?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. Sometimes when I finish the match and I have to come back and play doubles it's a little bit cold and that's difficult, but, no, no problem. Nothing new.

Q. Did you prefer to avoid an Italian player? How do you imagine a final with Volandri tomorrow?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't imagine because when I go to the court I know who I was playing against. If I won I was going play against González.

Q. Did you prefer to avoid him because he's Italian, or not?
RAFAEL NADAL: Doesn't matter for me, no?

Q. Was that match today your toughest match on clay since the final against Federer here last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: I play in Roland Garros against Mathieu. Roland Garros was very tough, too. Volandri may be tougher today. Yeah.

Q. Will there be an element of revenge with González because of Australia?
RAFAEL NADAL: Always -- never is there revenge. It's another match, another final, important final me for sure. Very important final for him, too.
Interesting match tomorrow, but not revenge. I play the match like I'm playing other player, no?

Q. What's important for you to do against González, to be successful against him?
RAFAEL NADAL: The most important thing for me is just play my best tennis. If I play my best tennis I can lose, but I going to have chances.

Q. (From Italian) The first two sets you play a little bit shorter than usual and your serve was a little bit less effective than usual. Was it due to Davydenko or was it you?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, the true is I wasn't playing my best today. It was very emotional match, very nice match for sure.
But the true is I play so much better yesterday and before yesterday. But the thing is, well, Davydenko was playing very, very great match and playing with very, very good timing all time and playing very inside the court.
It was difficult for me to get the rhythm of the game, the point, have control of the point. Those two things, no. Both things. I play a little bit worse because Davydenko play very good, and I play a little bit worse today because I play worse. (Laughter).

Q. (From Italian) Another time I saw you running faster than the ball. Do you like when people think that you are not human, that you are like not --
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? I just try to play my best and to run my best in every point. That's it. I don't think that I can run faster than the ball, that's for sure.

Q. (From Italian) There is a movie of it. It seems like you run faster than the ball once.
RAFAEL NADAL: Okay. Thank you.

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