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May 11, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You saw McEnroe?
RAFAEL NADAL: I see, yes.

Q. You must be very, very happy about your performance today.
RAFAEL NADAL: I am very happy, yes. I play my best level for sure. Very, very nice match. Playing all time 100% every point. So Djokovic is very, very good player. I think he wasn't play bad match today, no?
He serve very good in the breakpoints. Unbelievable. Every time he beat me with the serve. But finally I play all the time very regular, and that's decisive in the game.

Q. Was it important for you not to lose twice, because you had lost the last time?
RAFAEL NADAL: For me important is be in semifinals. That's the most important thing for me. I don't know. If I loss twice against Djokovic, well, he's a great player. If against one player it can happen, it is against him.

Q. You watch the Davydenko match today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. I saw the match. He was playing very, very good tennis, very good rhythm all time. Playing very hard with all sides. So it's going to be very tough match because Tommy today was playing very good level and he can't win.

Q. Your levels are so high all the time. Was there anything today specifically you were very happy with in your game?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I ran very good. I serve good sometimes. And important is with my forehand. When I have my forehand I can have the control of the point, so that's very important for me.
Because for my confidence important when I touch my forehand feel I am doing something, no?
So now I have a very good feelings on my game, on the backhand, too. Important too though when I was running. The slice working very good today.
So everything I play with all shots, so for me it's very -- perfect match.

Q. Are you surprised of the fact that Volandri beat Berdych 6-2, 6-3, losing only five points on his serve?
RAFAEL NADAL: In his serve only five points?

Q. Yes. Never got more than 15.
RAFAEL NADAL: Good. So, yes, it's -- well, surprise, no because Volandri is very good player, especially on clay. So against Berdych's it's not surprise the victory.
I saw a little bit of the match. He's playing with big confidence after yesterday, so he going to have his chance for have the title.

Q. What does it mean to match this record with McEnroe? The streak?
RAFAEL NADAL: I wasn't think about that. I just think about the semifinals. The match against Djokovic was a tough match so it doesn't matter for me, no?

Q. Are you still going to play doubles?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I don't lose for wildcard, yes. 8:00.

Q. Let him go.

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