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May 11, 2007

Fernando Gonzalez


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How tired you are, and what do you think about the fact that tomorrow you have to play first semifinal, so you have less time to rest?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Well, it's normal, because they have to give a little bit of advantage to the local. I mean, now it's 11:00 in the night and I'm playing tomorrow. So I'm just going to sleep, wake up, and play again.
But, you know, it's part of this. Maybe it's not hundred percent fair, but I have no choice. I mean, the match is scheduled tomorrow at 2:00 and I have to come and try to win.

Q. What do you expect from -- have you seen Volandri playing? Were you surprised about the fact that he won three great matches?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Yeah, I was surprised the last two matches. I don't see who was the first one.

Q. Gasquet.
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: That's a good win, too. That was a really nice surprise for the Italians. He beat Roger yesterday in two sets, and today he won in two sets again.
I practiced with him this morning. He's hitting the ball really clear and it's going to be a tough match tomorrow.

Q. What do you remember of the last two matches you played against him?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I don't remember. We played three or four years ago in Umag. I lost -- I was a little bit -- it was really like dramatic match. I don't remember. I think I lost 7-6 in the third.

Q. Yeah.
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I don't know. And then I beat him in Vina del Mar, at home. I have all the crowd with me, but it was tough match anyway. We played three sets also.
Tomorrow is another story, because it's been maybe three years after, we're going to play in different place, in his country. But tennis is always just a new match, and I'm getting better. My level is getting higher and higher, and this week and does give my a lot of confidence for tomorrow.

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