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April 19, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You won 21 points in a row. You were pretty unstoppable there. How confident is that level you're playing at?
RAFAEL NADAL: I'm happy with my level, no? I play very, very comfortable match. I play very good forehands and backhands. I serve better than yesterday. So very happy with the game, the full game.
Very happy. I'm defending good, I am running very good, feeling better on clay in the movements, so, very, very, very good match.

Q. Sorry to move to a different subject, but you're going play an exhibition with Roger in early May. Half clay, half grass; is that right?
RAFAEL NADAL: We're going to play exhibition maybe the Wednesday after Barcelona.

Q. On what surface?
RAFAEL NADAL: On medium clay, medium grass.

Q. Because Roger said one week ago that it was going to be only clay. Then it changed again?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. He was maybe joking.

Q. What do you think about this exhibition?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, going to be very nice for us. We was speaking for a long time about this exhibition. So for both it's going to be good experience, and Roger and me have ilusion (Spanish) for play. It's going to be in Mallorca the Wednesday after Barcelona.
So everything is complete, so that's very good. Good expectation for Mallorca for this match.

Q. How many people are there going to be?
RAFAEL NADAL: I'm not sure, 7,000 or 9,000. I'm not sure.

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