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April 18, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. It was a good test because Chela was playing well and you were playing also very well?
RAFAEL NADAL: It was very nice for me to come back here and play the first match like this. I was feeling very well, so I play a good match. Very comfortable on court. Well, trying to have less mistakes as possible.
So, well, I feel very good with the backhand, with the forehand, too, dropshots, good defending. Just a little bit -- could serve a little bit better, but for the rest I'm very happy.

Q. We saw everything today. We didn't see anything last night. How was it?
RAFAEL NADAL: What? (Translated from Spanish.) (Answer in Spanish) The meeting wasn't until 11:00. I had to go back to my room and go to sleep after 11:00. It was Ljubicic Moya also, and the meeting carried on, and Federer.
So I don't really know how this meeting ended, because I had to leave. But I'm going to speak with the president once again. I didn't have any time to speak with Roger or Carlos or nobody.
Within an hour I'm going to meet with Etienne now. But anyway, all of the players are united. We all agree on what we don't like in the calendar of 2009.

Q. First match on the clay. How do you feel?
RAFAEL NADAL: I said before, no? I feel very good. I very comfortable on court. I was a lot of time without playing ATP tournament on clay, so it was a very good coming back for me, no?

Q. You had problem with your feet. Is it okay now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, always it's a little bit easier playing on clay. Not the same aggressive. Well, I feel good, no?
I was stop for one week before coming here, but, well, right now I am feeling well; I am feeling good.

Q. Is there anything different compared to last year or to the last two years when you start here?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I played today better than last year starting match. But, well, it was -- I don't remember nothing different. Everything is the same. Very nice. The court was full. Very, very good. So that's it.

Q. The next game is against Vliegen.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, Vliegen is coming very well. Winning Mathieu and Safin. Going to be a tough match. I was playing against him last year here too, so, well, it's going to be a tough match for sure, no?
He's very talented player. He serve well, have a good forehand, good backhand. So going to be a tough match. I need to be at hundred percent and I need to feel like today. If I feel like today I have my chances.

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