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January 22, 2007

Roberto Luongo


Q. You know how they're talking about the All Star game, it's great for the fans, bad for the goalies, how much personal pride do you take in this game with the pucks flying at you?
ROBERTO LUONGO: I don't know. I'm just trying to enjoy it. Doesn't really matter how many goals you get scored or if you're left by yourself. It's fun. It's an enjoyable experience. That's the way I see it. For me it's not as much as stopping as many pucks as much as putting a show on for the fans.

Q. It's fun to be here, be part of this whole thing, is that how you take it?
ROBERTO LUONGO: That's the way I see it. Enjoyable experience. All the best players in the league here. And people love it. You just try to put on a good show.

Q. Once again, you don't get a break. Last year you were in the Olympics. This year you're here. How does that -- how is that for you; you've been playing so many games?
ROBERTO LUONGO: It's all right. I have two days off here, and I didn't play the last game Friday, really three days off for me. And I'd rather skate a couple days before getting back to work, and having a full five days off and then starting over again.

Q. How is the house in Florida?
ROBERTO LUONGO: It's great. I haven't seen it since summer. A lot of additions. It's going to be a nice place to stay this summer.

Q. You talked to some of the guys and they don't necessarily want to play in the All Star game. Seems like it's different for you. Why do you --
ROBERTO LUONGO: I think, first of all, it's an honor, especially when you're voted in by the fans. I think you gotta acknowledge that, and show respect in return and show up and try to do your best.

Q. (Inaudible) said if you were playing in Florida, wouldn't have happened, wouldn't have got voted in. Any thoughts on that?
ROBERTO LUONGO: I don't know. It's a lot of things that could be said about that. But maybe I wouldn't -- it's different. Depends also on the fact that you're in a much bigger market helps out. And the fact that there was a big both (inaudible) campaign might have helped out a lot.

Q. Plus you didn't have to go against a Buffalo guy in the vote; Buffalo guys turned out for the vote?
ROBERTO LUONGO: Definitely. There's a lot of circumstances that revolve around that. But kind of just, when they start, I didn't think I was going to get voted in either but all of a sudden -- it's nice to be recognized like that.

Q. Looking from the west, does it seem that the Eastern Conference just has more fire power (inaudible)
ROBERTO LUONGO: I don't know. I mean obviously they've got Crosby and Ovechkin. Those are phenomenal players I saw, seen a lot last year. They're going to want to put on a good show for the fans. But games like this, I think really it's more about the experience and trying to do stuff that, creative stuff you don't see every day on the ice.

Q. You take a lot of pride in your game as a goalie. You're still not going to let anybody walk on you?
ROBERTO LUONGO: No, definitely. Try to stop everything. But, like I said, if you can put a little bit more muster for the people to enjoy, why not, let's do it.

Q. You tried the new jersey?
ROBERTO LUONGO: Threw it on once. Didn't use it for practice or anything.

Q. Have it on over pads?
ROBERTO LUONGO: Yes. It's very comfortable. Light. Doesn't absorb water, won't get as heavy as the other ones. I think it's going to be great.

Q. It doesn't restrict movement or anything?
ROBERTO LUONGO: Actually, it's very loose and elastic. You can move around very well and easily in it. It feels really comfortable and it's not impeding at all.

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