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November 18, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Although you lost the game, I would like to say that you really did brilliantly. My question is, from yesterday to today, you got two matches in a row and yesterday you were injured a little bit. Did the injury affect your performance today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, no. No, my injury didn't affect nothing, no? I was playing a great match, I think. Was a nice match today. Roger is playing unbelievable level. Well, I am happy with my game. I am not so far than him today. And, well, I have not a lot of chances, but a little bit.
So I feel very happy with my game and with my tournament, no? The injury is okay. I feel a little bit the injury for sure, but, what, I lost against the No. 1. What we can think about the injury is the problem, no?

Q. It seems like there is a lot of respect when you play with Roger. For instance, today there was no challenge. You were not contesting any points. Is there something special when you play with him? I mean you have much more respect with him?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, no. Is a special match, play the No. 1 against the No. 2. We play a lot of matches against, no?
So, well, maybe the match was nice today. I don't saw the match on TV yet, but we have a good rallies, good points. Well, I have a good -- unbelievable respect for him because he's unbelievable. And I don't know if he has the respect for me, so...

Q. Roger said that he thinks that you're going to develop your game again. What are you working on in the next two months when you have time for practicing?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I am working a lot with my aggressive game. I am working a lot with my serve. I can't prepare this tournament with the serve, but I will change a little bit the movement. But this week, the week before here, I have a problem in my abdominal. I can't serve, no?
But, well, I am improving my serve. That's very important point. I am trying to improve my winner with my forehand and play a little bit more aggressive, no? I am happy with my improves, no? I gonna continuing improve, or trying to improve the next month and a half.
Last year I wasn't have any time for prepare the season, and this year I gonna have one month and a half. So that's important. That's nice for try to improve my game, no? So I will try this.

Q. In yesterday's post-match interview you predicted this match today, you were short of confidence. Probably you said this could be your last match in the Tennis Masters in Shanghai. Why actually were you so short of confidence yesterday?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, no, I never said yesterday I don't have any confidence with the match of today. I said I will have a very difficult match, I will have the toughest match for win because I am playing against the No. 1, and against the best No. 1, no? For me, is the best No. 1 in the history, and I play against the best No. 1 in the history in his best performance. I said I gonna have a very, very difficult match. Just this, no more.
I said, too, I gonna try my best, I will try to come to the court with my best illusion like always, and fighting hundred percent always.

Q. You played against Roger Federer a couple of times. Federer beat you with one good reason - he volleyed pretty well. You stuck to the baseline today. Do you think his victory over you today, he actually changed some strategies?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. Nothing special than the last matches, no? Well, I have four wins against him this year, but three was on clay. Well, always the indoor court is different the game. The game is changing a little bit.
And he was serving well. I was have some problems for return, for the return, and the match was close from the baseline after the three first games because he was playing unbelievable level. After that, the match was close. Very nice points, good rallies. I was touching very good the ball - and he, too.
So after that, for me the match is not much difference, no? But, well, he play unbelievable.

Q. How do you look about this Masters Cup? You advance to semifinals first time on Masters Cup. Are you satisfied or not with your results?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am satisfied for finish the season with my best game, satisfied for that, because you finish the season with a very good feelings. That's very important. And I am satisfied with my semifinal, yes.
I win two matches against the two top eight players. And I lost against the No. 1 now today, but playing at very good level and good match, no?
So I am happy with the tournament, yes.

Q. Would you mind compare the difference between the loss to Federer and the loss to Blake?
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe, well, always is different. The styles, yeah, the style of the game is different, no? But, well, I feel my feelings as I am playing so much better today than the first day, no? I feel that. That's -- I am not saying if I play against Blake now I gonna win, no? I not saying that. I am saying I am playing so much better today than the first day.

Q. Neither you and Roger intend to use the HawkEyes in this game. Is this because there's no such confused call or just because you guys just forget to use that?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, we don't forgot that. But, well, sometimes if you don't have some doubts...

Q. Did you forget to use it, or no such call?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, you don't have doubts about the balls, you don't gonna ask for the HawkEye, no? And sometimes the HawkEye not hundred percent effective, no?

Q. Before this game you defeated Roger Federer with six victories and two losses. After this match, now you have six wins and three losses. The edge is sort of losing. Would you try to save your confidence after this match?
RAFAEL NADAL: My confidence against what?

Q. Roger Federer.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I feel with confidence, no? I am playing a good level. He is playing very good. I lost in his surface, in one of his best surfaces, 6-4, 7-5. Very tough match, very nice match. So I know he is better than me and he is better than the other players now. That's for sure the true. We don't gonna see another film because that's the film, no?
So, well, if I improve little bit more my game I can win him sometimes, too, no? So we will see next year, no? Now I am happy with my season, I am happy with my improves, and I am happy with the match of today and with the tournament. We will see next year. I don't know.

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