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November 7, 2006

Martina Hingis


MODERATOR: Questions in English for Martina.

Q. You did a great effort, but at the end you were tired or it was Justine. But in any case, the great match of the day, in fact?
MARTINA HINGIS: Yes, definitely. I mean I could have been home 6-2, 6-2. But definitely at the end of the second set there was great points and great tennis. I think I played a reasonable good tiebreaker. And at the beginning of the third set I was a little bit, I wouldn't say unlucky, but there were some long rallies, some tough points, calls. But that's how it goes sometimes.
And you know at the end of the day it was a good match.

Q. You went more to the left than in other matches. Is it because you are training with Radick or what, because he's an Italian player?
MARTINA HINGIS: I think that's my only possibility. People have been telling me it's not the only game that he tries to bring me to the net, but my mom has been saying that for 23 years. (Chuckling) so that's no news to me. But I think against girls like Justine and all the rest of us who are here, you know, the other seven players, I mean that's the only chance what I can do, shorten up the points and hit the shelf quickly. Just mix it up. Have them surprised.

Q. Martina, what makes a change in the match coming from down to equal, is it a moment, it's a point or a situation of things coming in?
MARTINA HINGIS: I think it was a combination that I was finally able to block some points away, when she played very fast at first, I haven't played someone like her in a long time, and even at the tournaments I've only played her in the beginning of the year, and someone like her, you have to play a little more often; it's for no reason she wasn't in the Grand Slam finals this year. She definitely has a different game. A lot faster than even the big hitters. That's like you see, that's the only survival how the little girls like us can survive.

Q. How do you feel practicing with Radick, it's nothing new, but the point being here with him practicing.
MARTINA HINGIS: I was telling him the whole week he needs to play more quick top spin, but he plays it flat. (Chuckling). No, it's funny, it's a great comfort I have and luxury that he's here and can come here and support me. Unfortunately, he can't play himself. He's not been playing.
And I can take advantage of that. That's nice, very lucky.

Q. You seem to be very satisfied with the defeat, are you playing with less pressure on you than the other seven?
MARTINA HINGIS: Well, like I said in the press conference, more or less I'm the underdog here at the event. So every time I play a great match, reasonable match, in the past I've been winning tournaments like this, but I couldn't expect myself after three years coming back and be winning.
So every time I take someone to three sets after I was down 6-2, 5-2, of course at least I was able to show some good tennis and make it a watchable match for the spectators.

Q. What about the match against Petrova tomorrow, it's sort of almost an eliminator now?
MARTINA HINGIS: It's been almost four years since we've played. So it's one of the last matches I played against her in Moscow four years ago. So that's a long time. I've not played her since I've been back. She played Amelie, and it's all I can do is just go out there and be positive and try to play my best tennis.

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