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October 19, 2006

Rafael Nadal


Q. Two questions. First of all, your global impressions about the match. Second, yesterday 15-40; today only one break. Are you improving your serve?
RAFAEL NADAL: My impressions of the tournament are great. I've imposed my pace throughout the match, especially with my drive. I'm very happy because of that.
I've been trying hard lately. And greatly my tennis is going towards my goal.
Second, my serve went quite well both yesterday and today. I've been confident with my serve. So I'm very, very happy with all the aspects of my game. Maybe my back hand can be improved towards the right area of the opponent, but that's tough. Basically my game is going well.

Q. Tomorrow Berdych. Your thoughts?
RAFAEL NADAL: I lost to him in Cincinnati last year and in Canada this year. So it's going to be a tough match. I don't think there is a favorite player. I don't feel myself as a favorite player.
The two times I've played him, my level was quite low and I was feeling quite tired. Cincinnati was an incredible match. Toronto I didn't play well, it was very windy. But I also need to say that he's a player that pushes you, puts pressure on you. He plays very aggressive from behind the baseline. So you cannot give him initiative because if you do, you're dead.

Q. You're famous. You're in the news. We saw you last night on every TV channel.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, but my comments about what? What have you seen on TV? Okay, okay, Real Madrid, okay. This is history. Okay. I'm not lucky lately with Real Madrid, but not jinxed.

Q. Have you been watching Federer play? What do you think? What are your opinions?
RAFAEL NADAL: It's been a great match, a beautiful match. I think he returned Soderling's game very properly. The first set he could have lost. However, that's a 5-2 that Soderling has played very poorly. But it's also easy to play poorly when you're facing the No. 1 player of the world.
Second set, he's been playing better. Federer has improved his game, but Soderling kept recovering. So Soderling has been playing great today as usual or better than usual because sometimes he has problems in the first rounds, like everyone. But today he has played great.

Q. Surprised because of Roddick's defeat?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. He had 50 percent of a chance. Berdych is playing real well as I told you, and that was a tough match for Roddick. He feels the pressure because any of them could have won.
For instance, if I had to bet, I would have bet for Roddick, but it was a very even and open match. I wasn't surprised to hear that Berdych won.

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