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October 18, 2006

Rafael Nadal


Q. The Masters victory, the crowd supporting you, what are your sensations?
RAFAEL NADAL: I'm very happy. I was really looking forward to being here again. To play in Spain is something special. I have great memories from last year.
I was looking forward to being on the court again. I've played a great match. That's my opinion. It's been a special sensation.

Q. If you had to choose, it's early now, but are you going to play Shanghai? Would you play Shanghai or Madrid?
RAFAEL NADAL: Those are very different tournaments. You cannot compare them. Each tournament provides you a different sensation. The feeling of victory is very special at home. It's far more emotional at home.
This is a very important tournament, but Shanghai is a Masters, a higher level. Last year I could have won this tournament, and I would sign right now to win either this one or Shanghai.

Q. The crowd is focusing on you and Federer. On the other hand Federer has not disregarded the possibility of playing doubles with you?
RAFAEL NADAL: First of all, tomorrow I am facing Haas. That's a tough match. He plays against Soderling. He was going to have it tough, maybe he has it easier.
This is not a tournament between Federer and myself. You need to take a look at the results. The 10 top players in the world are here. This is a very top tournament.
Second question. Whenever he feels like playing doubles with me, he can ask me. I would be willing to.

Q. Rafael, last year you made a big effort to win here, and then it reverted in Shanghai. This year can you look forward to winning both tournaments, or is this going to influence Shanghai? Because you had cramps once and then you won next year. Are you going to face Shanghai's crowd properly?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it has nothing to do with it. I played Cincinnati. I played U.S. Open. I'm confident in myself and being able to play here and then in Shanghai and Paris also.
I'm going to try my best everywhere. I know the statistics tell that I may not win any of the tournaments, but I'm going to get as close as I can, do my best. I've been training for a long time, concentrating, and one day or another I'm going to get there. I'm trying to improve. I'm training at a higher level.
A good match means nothing. You can always lose the next one.

Q. Tomorrow, Tommy Haas, you've faced him already?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. Cincinnati, third round.

Q. So he's tough but accessible as a rival?
RAFAEL NADAL: It's funny to say he's an accessible player. He's fighting for the Masters also. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Q. You've been comfortable on the court. What about your play, weak and strong points?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I didn't make too much unforced errors. My serve has only given me one problem. I've been confident. Second serve has also been working. First serve. I've tried to take advantage of my points whenever I could, take advantage of the drive. It has helped me be more confident throughout the match. Besides this I could have improved, I don't know what. I've done what's necessary to win the match, especially the first match here, which is always tough.

Q. The court?
RAFAEL NADAL: The court suits me okay. If I play well, I can obtain good results as I've already proven on other occasions. If my game is not good, you will see here, things are very even. A few balls can decide a match. To win the match is a different story.

Q. Last year you won the Masters event with your injuries. This year Federer is here. Do you think you can repeat last year's victory or is Federer a harder obstacle than your injury?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think you're not understanding what I'm trying to say. I'm telling you that tomorrow I'm playing against Haas. Tomorrow I have a tough match before me. Imagine I win Haas tomorrow. Then I have Roddick. Do you think I'm favored against Roddick also?
Maybe I am the second in the world, but not on every surface, not at every moment. And number and two in the world do not always play the finals in the tournament. Should it be the case, it will be a dream to play in the finals against Federer. But I'm realistic. There is a long way to the final.

Q. Rafa, I need your opinion about the Hawkeye challenge.
RAFAEL NADAL: If you asked Safin, he'd say it doesn't work. He's not right. I think it's entertaining for the crowd, more interesting for the public. And that's all. You only have two options, two chances, because otherwise it will be too monotonous. I support it.

Q. A difficult question. There were nine Spaniards at the beginning, now there is only two left?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think it has been our best week, but this is a very difficult surface for Spaniards. We are fighting the best 38 in the world, what can we do? There has been matches that could have been won and that we've lost; matches that could have gone better. Chela, for instance, got an advantage the other day. It's not surprising. It only goes to prove that tournaments are tough, and it's a difficult surface. It makes things difficult. You need to take that into account.

Q. Last year you came to the press room with ice on your knee. This year you're physically better. Your game is better, worse, the same?
RAFAEL NADAL: You never know when your game is at a higher level or at a lower level. You can only tell when you play matches, match after match. I've seen myself better today than last year's first round. This is tennis. You never know how things are going to work out. It's one against one. An error, and you lose a match and the tournament.
Sometimes to win, and this is what I always say, when you finish a match 7-6 down or 7-6 up, 8-6 tie break, you go down to the changing rooms and you remember more negative things. Only two points decided the match, but those two points were crucial, and that's the sport.
Real Madrid, for instance, is a disaster one day and next day an idol. So you never know.

Q. (Inaudible.)
RAFAEL NADAL: Last year I wasn't feeling bad and then I had this problem with my knee, and then I had a problem with my foot.
Q. First match, stadium was crowded. Don't you feel a bit responsible with the Spanish crowd coming to see you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Responsibility is shared. I feel far more -- I feel far more comfortable and supported with this crowd and I'm very, very thankful because every time I'm getting on the court, I'm feeling like playing. And seeing all the people outside, I feel thankful, because it's been relatively easy to win. If not it would have been uncomfortable.

Q. Tommy Haas has made a good match. How do you define your next rival?
RAFAEL NADAL: He's a complete player, good drive, good back hand, complete and comprehensive game. I try to push him and make him feel uncomfortable. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Q. Beckham and Cassillas have come to the stadium today. You promised to go or not to go and see them next Sunday? We know you went to see them, you also went to the Derby?
RAFAEL NADAL: What's she saying? Stop it, stop it. Yeah. I went to see the Derby, but I also went to see them for their victory. Come on, it's not my fault.

Q. Are you going to go watch them on Sunday?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know.

Q. Real/Arsenal, do you think Federer would like to see one?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, if he wants to see one, he can go. It's an interesting match for anyone. He's a world citizen, it's a special event.

Q. So you support Barcelona?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I support Real Madrid.
Q. Rafa, when you played the final last year in front of many spectators, and then you come back to the same spectators, what do you feel? Do you feel excitement or afraid or comfortable? How do you feel?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel a very special sensation. It's very nice to come back after one year with the same people in the stadium full. That's very impressive knowing it's for me and I am very happy to come back here.

Q. Leaving Stockholm early, does this help you with preparation?
RAFAEL NADAL: The loss in Stockholm?

Q. Yes. Losing early in Stockholm.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. If you win -- you always can see the two situations. If you play more matches, you arrive here with more confidence. And if you lose, you have more days to prepare for the tournament. You never know what's the best. I prefer to win in Stockholm.

Q. Can you say something about playing Tommy Haas? He's a dangerous player.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. He's a very competent player, very difficult. He has all of the shots. It's a very tough match. I'm going to try my best. I'm going to play the same like today. Today I played at a very good level. So I'm going to try this. I know it will be a very tough match, but I will try to win.

Q. Can you say what you think about playing round robin next year in some of the tournaments? Is that a good thing?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. As any rule, I can't say nothing now because I don't know exactly what's going on. But for me it's not a bad decision.

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