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June 15, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How do you feel?

Q. I don't know if you know this or not, but grass court tennis is meant to be quite quick.
RAFAEL NADAL: I know. Three hours, no?

Q. Three hours on the court is not normally what goes on.

Q. Did it surprise you as well? It just went on and on.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, is very last match, but Verdasco call the trainer. The trainer stay five minutes for come to the court. After, Verdasco with his show stop a lot the match. So is a long match.

Q. You must have thought on both occasions he might stop. He seemed to be in terrible pain - the back, then the groin?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't want to speak of that, please, because I don't understand very well because he had a lot of pain but he play --

Q. Brilliant.
RAFAEL NADAL: Very, very hard. He play unbelievable forehand, unbelievable backhand.

Q. How do you feel you played?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel tired in the beginning. My legs is not going very well. After, in the second set, I can improve a little bit. I come back with a very good attitude maybe because is not easy, no, a lot of days out of home, change of surface, a lot of matches. But I am happy for that, no? I come back with very good attitude, positive, and the fact that I can play good the tiebreak maybe. And in the third set the match is 3-0, 4-1, but all change after.

Q. How do you feel about playing Lleyton again?
RAFAEL NADAL: I know is very difficult match, no? Is one of the best players on grass. I gonna try my best, no? Is very good, is very important for me stay here in the quarterfinals. Is a very good tournament for me. Is very difficult after lot of time playing on clay come back and play and win two matches.
So tomorrow is a nice experience for me, no? That's very good for my confidence for Wimbledon. Tomorrow I will play against one very good player on grass, so I will see his match, no, his game.
So that's important for improve on grass, too, no? Because he play not too much difference like me, no, and he play very good in this surface. So I need see him for try imitate a little bit, no?

Q. You obviously expect a very different kind of match to the one in Paris?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure. Is a different sport here and clay, no? Is different. Always different, no? Every tournament is different, but in the same surface, Monte-Carlo and Rome, is different sensations, different feelings, and is difference.
But if you change the surface, especially indoor to clay, grass to clay, so that's very big change. Is a big change.

Q. Because it's Lleyton, will it be quite easy for you to get rid of the tiredness because you know that he's going to be coming at you? You like taking him on, don't you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, for me is important match, is a nice match. He have the pression, sure. I want to enjoy this match. I want to play good and try to win, so I gonna try my best.

Q. Having had two wins on grass this week, that must give you quite a bit of confidence going into the match.
RAFAEL NADAL: Tomorrow I know he's very difficult, but now is important. Is two difficult victories against Fish and against Verdasco, so I know is a good tournament.

Q. Has it surprised you at all, how well you're doing here after Paris?
RAFAEL NADAL: Is very difficult come here and after three, four months playing on clay and I just have one day for adapt. And the second day, I (speaking Spanish)...
THE MODERATOR: Theoretically.
RAFAEL NADAL: Theoretically I gonna play the doubles. I play -- my schedule is one hour, twelve to one, practice on Thursday; four to five, practice. And after, doubles. So that's a good practice for me before the Wednesday.
But it's raining, so I can play nothing. And I play on Wednesday just with one hour and a half on court, so is difficult.

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