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April 22, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. After losing the first set, how did you feel? Were you confident?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I was tired. In the 5-4 up in the first, I was tired. He played tough the last three games of the first set, and I feel tired, no, finally, in the first set.
But after, when I begin the second set, I feel a little bit better. I think about the match and my final decision is I need play a little bit more aggressive because if I don't play aggressive, I gonna finish. And the match is change after, no? Maybe I play good. I play good all time. In the first set, I play good, too, no.
And I play little bit more aggressive after and I can go up to the score in the second set. That's important goal for win 6-1 the second, no.
Q. Was it a mental strength because you were mentally stronger?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no (speaking in Spanish).
No, no, I don't know if I am stronger than him or not, but I won today. I play with a lot of concentration all time. Maybe with confidence, I am playing very good, no.
Q. He said you were stronger mentally. He said that, Gaudio.
RAFAEL NADAL: He said so, I don't know.
Q. He said it was a mental thing at that time because both of you were tired in the beginning of the second and he said, We were both tired but he was a little bit more strong.
RAFAEL NADAL: I always think about the victory, no. I was tired, but I always think about the victory because it was very important for me stay in this final. I say first day is very important for me play good tournament for get confidence for the rest of the clay season. And for stay a little bit with more calm, no, because I know.
The important thing is the Race, no. I know is a lot of points if I am playing bad. That's important, no. With this victory, I gonna be the third in the Race. So very good, no.
Q. And today you were satisfied with all your strokes - forehand, backhand, serve.
RAFAEL NADAL: Drop, you like today (laughing)?
Q. Not at the beginning, but at the end.
RAFAEL NADAL: I am happy, yes. Maybe I can serve a little bit better. When I was tired, I serve, I going down a little bit with the serve. But I mistake, little bit mistakes. Playing aggressive with my forehand. Backhand, so much better, playing better, too. Running better.
So for me is the best match, sure, no, in the week and good preparation for the final.
Q. Do you think you're playing better and better in this tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: Sure, sure.
Q. Was it a surprise for you that you are in so good shape already after the injury break?
Q. You are in so good shape, you play so good tennis after your injury.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I am a little bit surprised, no. Always I have the confidence I gonna be -- I gonna play good after the injury, no.
But I begin well: Semifinals, champion, semifinals, third round, and now final is unbelievable beginning. And I am now the third in the world in the Race without the beginning of the season, important tournaments.
So I am very happy, no, that very good news, no. And the best news is the injury is forget, no?
Q. Roger Federer is playing well, obviously. How do you look at the meeting with him?
RAFAEL NADAL: He's playing well, no? He's winning all matches very easy. I don't know the final of this one, but he is winning easy all matches. Not the first one against Djokovic, but after he play very well.
And the same, like always, no? I need play my best for try the victory. And if I am play my best and he play his best, will be very difficult, too.
But if I play my best, any chance I have, no.
Q. Do you feel he might be fresher than you?
RAFAEL NADAL: He gonna be fresher?
Q. More fresh.
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe, maybe yes. But maybe for tomorrow I hope stay hundred percent, no. Is important match for me. Masters Series final. I won the last 10 or 11 final, I don't know.
Q. Eleven.
RAFAEL NADAL: Eleven? No, no, no, 11, no. No, because I lost in Miami and after I won here, Barcelona, Rome, Paris, Stuttgart, Bastad, Montreal, Madrid and China - Peking - 9. Dubai, 10.
So, sure, is difficult play against the No. 1. He don't losing lot of finals, too, huh, no? So gonna be difficult, sure.
Q. If you have to play Federer on clay, do you prefer to play best-of-three sets or you prefer to play him best-of-five? You think you have more chances when the match is longer or when is shorter?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I am good physic, I don't know now, no. I don't know if I am in my best performance physical because I begin late, and after injuries not sure.
But today I play a tough match, and, sure, I was tired in the first set, but after I can run, I can play good too, no? Normally, I can play, I prefer play best-of-five, no.
Q. Once again, Federer always said that he doesn't like to play you because you put pressure on his backhand with your forehand, so the strategy is quite simple: To play his backhand.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, very simple (laughter).
If you look the window, is very, very easy, no (laughing)? Why all the players don't do the same, no?
Maybe not easy, no.
Q. You could do it in Dubai.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, in Dubai.
I gonna try my best. I gonna try play aggressive. I gonna try play with determination. And that's the chance, no? No more chances. Play good, play with good determination, and play with confidence for the victory, no? And if he play very good and beat me, so congratulation, no.
So for me it's okay. Good tournament, sure, to stay in the final. Tomorrow I have a nice match and I want to enjoy playing good.
Q. Did you look any matches of Federer on television here?
Q. Did you have the feeling that he change something compared to last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: He's winning the same, I don't know.
I don't know, no? I don't know exactly. I don't know. Maybe he's coming a little bit more to the net sometimes. But not change a lot, no, maybe.
Q. Is it important that you beat him three times and he only beat you one time?
RAFAEL NADAL: Sure, is important for tomorrow. Because when I go to the court, I have three wons, no, and that's important for think about the victory, no. If you lose the last five times, I gonna think about the victory, too, but the chances is less, no?
Q. I have a general question about the mental side. You are only 19 and already mentally very strong. How do you explain that?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I am young, I am enjoying the competition, I enjoy a lot the competition, I like a lot the competition - not in the tennis, no, in all aspects.
And always when I am tired, the same like today, no, I am very tired but always I think I am tired, yes, but the other one, I don't know, no? It's possible if I am tired, he's tired, too.
So when I am tired, I always think gonna be a little bit more, a little bit more, and you never know what's the... (speaking Spanish).
THE MODERATOR: You never know when is the end of everything because you don't know how the other one is either.
Q. If you play Federer tomorrow in the final, do you think it will depend of him or of you?
RAFAEL NADAL: He is the No. 1, no? So I just can say that, no. He is the No. 1. He has just one lose this year. If he play his best, it will be very difficult.

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