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March 13, 2005

Elena Dementieva


Q. Want to talk a little bit about today and then looking ahead?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: That was a very tough match to win today. I think I played the worse tennis in my life, and it just was a tough -- with my serve, I couldn't serve. I was missing every single forehand, which was one of my favorite shots to make. I just wanted to win this match. It was windy and sunny, but there was no excuse for me to play this way.

Q. What do you attribute that to? Overtired? Just had an off day?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: No. I was feeling okay before the match, just something that happened during the match. I was playing pretty good. I was leading 5-3, served for the set, and then I just kind of stopped to play, waiting for her mistakes and just lost my balance, went out of balance and I lost my game.

Q. Also now looking ahead, because you know you can't have that same type of day. You want to keep going forward.

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: You know this kind of day I hope never, you know, going back to me, you know. And I know the way I can play and I need some time to review this match. It was a long one and I hope I will play much better.

Q. Who do you play next?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I play Golovin the next round. I lost to her, but it was a long time ago. I know she's a good player. We practice. We know each other very well. I have to play better.

Q. Okay. I just want to know, what went across your mind the other night when Safin took you away from the court on the exhibition? You remember the moment you walked off the court?


Q. What did you think?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I thought that was kind of show. Why are you so interested?

Q. The cause was good and it was kind of funny.

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I think it was funny. He's a hilarious guy. He jokes all the time.

Q. You are friends?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Yes, we know each other very well, yes.

Q. Tell me about the event. In your opinion, who was the funniest guy on the court?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Marat was the funniest one.

Q. And after them, who was the next runner-up?


Q. Supporting role, you know, Oscars and supporting role, who was second place in your opinion, talk from the locker?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I think he was the winner of the night because we were laughing and everything. He did -- you know, it was so funny and I was almost dying, you know, to see him play Pro Am, and especially when he was wearing his shorts, you know, to here (indicating middle of the chest). It was very funny to watch.

Q. You get to see the other side of the players, their personality?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Usually during the tournament, we are all so focused, and I think most of the guys were very serious, not doing funny things. He's easy-going and he was very -- he's not afraid to be funny.

Q. Did he tell you that he's going to take you away from the court or was it just improvised?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: No, just improvise, "Let's go out and then we'll come back," just do something, you know.

Q. No script?


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