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March 18, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions for Rafael.
Q. Is that the best you've seen James play?
RAFAEL NADAL: Now, I just play, too, against him. But I think he play good. He play aggressive. In difficult moments, he always have a confidence for win this point, about how to play good the point.
I fight all match, and I can do -- maybe I play a little defensive in the first set. After in the second set I improve a little bit, maybe I play a little bit better. I have some chances, one 15-40. In the first set, breakpoint in the 4-4, and he serve unbelievable. He serve outside on the line. So well play.
Q. Is there something about his game and the way he plays that you find particularly difficult?
RAFAEL NADAL: He play very aggressive all time, no?
Q. Like you.
RAFAEL NADAL: But different. Yeah, maybe I play aggressive, but different. He play all time inside the court. He return very fast all time. And the difficult moments, I think maybe the 15-40, 4-All, he has a good moment. He has a lot of confidence, so he has always the good luck in his favor, no? I don't want to say he has a good luck for that he won me, no? He won me because he play better. But in the difficult moments, always he has the good luck in his favor, no?
Q. Did the wind make a difference today?
RAFAEL NADAL: The wind, maybe I won, too. I never put an excuse. Not today the first day, no?
Q. Could you talk about James' potential. He's in the top 10. Could he be a regular challenger for slams? Could he win a Slam?
RAFAEL NADAL: All is very difficult. So he's playing a very good level, he play a level -- maybe right now he's playing at top five level, no? We will see on clay what is his results. If he play good on clay, he has a good chance for stay in the top positions, no?
Maybe I think he's going to finish the year in the top 10 if he continue like this. If he play good on clay, he has a good chance for stay in the top 5. In the tour, a lot of players is playing good.
Q. And off clay, could you assess how he would do against the very best?
RAFAEL NADAL: I can't watch the future. But if he's playing well, he finish the last year well, he is in a good moment.
Q. Is there anything more that you could have done today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Always. Always I can do more, no? But I try. I try my best. I fight all match. In the first set I have my chances, but he's playing better than me today, no? I want to say congratulate. I want to congratulate James because he's playing at very good level.
Maybe I have chance, but he play better.
Q. Since you came back in Marseille, how do you feel physically? Is everything okay? Are you perfectly fit? Is the foot 100%?
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe the injury foot is hundred percent better. The other one is not hundred percent because against Grosjean I have a little bit problem.
ATP: Sprain.
Q. Sprain?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, on the right foot. But it's okay. I feel okay.
Q. You've now played Roger and James back-to-back. How do you think the final will break down?
RAFAEL NADAL: Federer (smiling).
Q. Because? Could you explain?
RAFAEL NADAL: Because he's the No. 1. And in the finals for me, always the favorite is the best. For sure Blake can win, but for me my favorite is Federer.
Q. You're the favorite with Federer, three out of four.
RAFAEL NADAL: The favorite always is the No. 1. I can win. Blake can win. But the favorite is the No. 1.
Q. How much more does James have to do if he is able to beat Federer after the way he played today?
RAFAEL NADAL: (Translated from Spanish) More than anything, one thing, believe that he can win.
Q. How disappointed are you to not get another shot at Roger?
RAFAEL NADAL: For sure I want to play the final against Roger or against any player. But always is a nice final against the No. 1 and the No. 2 is interesting match. But for the tournament is interesting match, too, no? One American player against the No. 1, so that's good for the tournament. I love because for the tournament is better (laughter).
Q. Do you think with James' game, he can do well on the clay this spring?
Q. Do you think he can keep going deep into tournaments? Would you expect him to be able to continue into the clay court season?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't see him play a lot of times on clay, no. But he's a good player. He's one top 10 player. He can play good. He knows surfaces.
But in clay, all matches is a little bit different, no? He play very aggressive, very inside the court. In the clay is not hundred percent effective.
Q. As of right now, what is your clay schedule? How many tournaments are you going to play?
RAFAEL NADAL: Monte-Carlo, Barcelona, Rome, Hamburg, Paris. I don't know if I going to play the week before Monte-Carlo.
Q. Can you describe your attitude on court compared to other players. You always seem very positive. Whether you win or lose, you always sign autographs.
RAFAEL NADAL: You know, the sport, sometimes win, sometimes lose. But is important always be positive and always stay with the fans because if you just stay with the fans when you win, that's a bad news.
Q. So you appreciate your fans?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Sometimes the fans today stay with James. But I understand perfect that, no? When I play Madrid, I won the final against Ljubicic, and no one on the court want to win Ljubicic. So here that's normal. The tennis and the sport, that's nice on the sport, no? The public for sure to stay with Blake, but I understand perfect. Is nice.
Q. How do you think you'll do at Wimbledon? Do you have any expectations?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, going to win this year (smiling).

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