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January 29, 2006

Mahesh Bhupathi

Martina Hingis


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. A month ago, I guess you didn't think you would be winning another Grand Slam title, did you?

MARTINA HINGIS: No, I didn't. Thanks to Mahesh. Like I said on court, he had the courage to play with me. Thanks to other partners he had in the past, they didn't want to play. I'm like, "Yeah." I took the advantage. It's just been a pleasure. You know, he's the man right now in mixed doubles and also in doubles, I think. Just next to him, it gives you so much satisfaction and security that, you know, you have to put the serve and returns in and he does the rest, so that's nice, you have someone to carry you all the way.

Q. Mahesh, why did you take the chance on picking a partner who hasn't played for years?

MAHESH BHUPATHI: Oh, I think that's a bit of, you know, understatement. I know she's been playing Team Tennis, she's been playing exhibitions. She played mixed semifinal first event. As soon as I saw she's playing, winning matches, I just kind of shot a quick e-mail to her agent. Fortunately, I got the positive answer and I think the rest is history.

Q. Mahesh, this is your sixth mixed doubles championship but your first in Australia.


Q. Must feel great to get one here.

MAHESH BHUPATHI: Yeah, back of your mind you'd always like to have all four. Definitely one of my goals. So, you know, winning is pretty special today.

Q. Martina said some nice things about you. What's it like playing with Martina?

MAHESH BHUPATHI: It's, you know, as Daniel said, I think we were definitely at a different level today. That's because it's so easy to play with her. She's got so much time, she's got so much variation on her shots. I just had to take care of my side most of the time. I know if they attack her, she's always ready. That makes life a lot more easy on the mixed doubles court.

Q. Will you play more doubles and mixed doubles this year, Martina? What's the plan?

MARTINA HINGIS: Just depends on how I'm going to feel. I have a plane to catch right now, so definitely not playing doubles as much as I probably would like to because of, you know, how much tennis you have to play. But I always enjoy the team events, you know, the doubles competition. Definitely mixed doubles with Mahesh would be -- that would be nice in the future. You know, having a partner like him is really satisfying. You know, the Grand Slam events, it will be great if we can continue. Except that I have to get a doubles ranking so we don't have to play like No. 1 or 2 seeds hopefully in the first rounds. But, you know, that's definitely a goal.

Q. Mahesh, we heard that you always change partners.


Q. Will you stay with her?

MAHESH BHUPATHI: Yeah, I don't do it because I want to, you know (smiling). You know, I kind of -- both my partners who I played with last year wanted to focus on singles. I knew she was coming back. I asked her already and I think she said yes so I think we'll stick together for a while.

Q. Martina, do you see playing doubles as helping your singles in your comeback?

MARTINA HINGIS: That's what he was saying after the match. He's like, "I think it helps you playing mixed doubles helps you in your singles as well." I'm like, "Hmm, yeah." Playing mixed doubles is totally different because you have much more aggressive attitude. Sometimes in doubles, you know, I had to always kind of carry and just also you had the defense. But in mixed doubles it's definitely a different story. Playing with him, who's always attacking, you know, and playing a solid game, it's, yeah -- I mean, I really enjoy every moment to be out there today.

Q. Is it quite a nice confidence boost as well?

MARTINA HINGIS: Oh, yes, that you can play at the highest level. In the beginning, I definitely had some difficulties, but he carried me along. I think with each match I got a little better and more confidence. You know, the last two matches I think we just really got the teamwork together and I learned a lot of things from him, how things are done, and I had to take care of my side, you know. But it was really, yeah, stepping my game up, lifting it up.

Q. The success you've had in your first Grand Slam back, this may have exceeded your expectations. What does that mean for the rest of the season now that you've had such a good start?

MARTINA HINGIS: It's just I wouldn't think that I'm gonna get this far in. You know, and I got the e-mail, I'm like right away it will be great because hopefully I -- I don't know how long I'm going to last in singles like this. The hopes are a lot bigger staying in the event. I knew with Mahesh, having a great partner, we had great chances. Having to go to Tokyo, you don't want to lose first round and sticking around for next two weeks doing nothing. Yeah, just really my first mixed doubles title. It definitely exceeded my expectations, yeah.

Q. Do you have higher expectations now for your singles for the remainder of the year, given you've played so well both in singles and doubles here?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, of course. It would be an underestimation if I didn't. I mean, I played well first tournament to be back, and making the quarterfinals right away. Yeah, I mean, I know I can rely on what I can in my game.

Q. Mahesh, did you watch your partner play singles, and what's your professional analysis?

MAHESH BHUPATHI: Wow, yeah, I did watch her, actually. You know, again, the ease in which she was, you know, winning her first few matches just shows how fast she's, you know, back. You know, I told her also after the match I think it's just gonna take two or three months and then she's gonna be able to handle the top three, four. The pace is obviously different from three years ago. But once she starts playing a few matches at that level, I think she's going to be able to handle it. I'll be very surprised actually after Wimbledon if she's not in the top 5.

MARTINA HINGIS: It was nice to be hitting with him on the days off I had. He was a great hitting partner to have, you know, in between the times and to get ready for my singles matches and then we played doubles. So it was just really nice to get used to the speed. So I'm like, "Hmm, keep it up." It would be nice to have a hitting partner like him.

Q. Did you see much of yesterday's final, Martina?

MARTINA HINGIS: We were waiting for the mixed and practicing actually here yesterday. So, yes, I saw some of the finals.

Q. What were your thoughts on what happened, how it transpired?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, I think Amélie deserved it, even though she made the opponent always -- she had the ability to finish off the matches. She didn't show any nerves. She end up winning. Doesn't matter how, she's going to be the champion hanging on the poster next year.

Q. Obviously, Amélie had three people default, retire against her. There have been lots of injuries. I mean, you very nearly had your career finish by injury. Do you think that it's a major problem?

MARTINA HINGIS: I don't think it's part of, you know, what we are here for right now. So, I mean, we just won the mixed doubles title. I don't think it's necessary to really talk about that right now. You know, she won a Grand Slam, and that's great for her, no matter how.

Q. What are going to be your thoughts on the plane on the way back as you think over the past fortnight?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, I wish we could celebrate, but... (laughing). Just having the trophy sitting next to me on the plane, just go on to next week. We'll make up for it. We'll celebrate some other time.

Q. Where is the needle on your gas tank in terms of going on to play next week and stuff? What do you feel like?

MARTINA HINGIS: Oh, the needle on the gas tank. Well, it's a great event, Tokyo. I've always played that. Going back to Japan, I like playing in Tokyo. It's a fast surface. My mom's already waiting there, so I'm going to be happy to see her again. Everyone's with me. Mario has taken off this morning. Radim yesterday back home. I'm like gonna be by myself flying, and looking forward to next week. It's really, I mean -- I enjoy being back. Just every tournament is a new one, and right now I just really am happy to be playing and at that level again.

Q. What will be your program after Tokyo?

MARTINA HINGIS: I don't know yet. I've been asked this question a million times. I don't really know. Just see what happens.

Q. After one month of tennis, how good are you physically?

MARTINA HINGIS: I don't know. What do you think (smiling)?

Q. Is it tiring or fatigue?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, it definitely is more mentally draining at the end of every Grand Slam. You go through the finish. Today was final, you know. This is the last day of a Grand Slam. You want to give your best, be in the best position. And I think it's just great to have won today. You know, that's where the needle of the gas tank has to be still on full because, I don't know, no one likes to be losing in the finals. That's where you have to give your best and play the best level.

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