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June 3, 2000

Mike Modano


Q. Mike, been asking everyone about the penalty kill on the 5-on-3 for 49 seconds in the first period. Seemed to give them quite a lift. Maybe take a bit of wind out of your sails. What impact do you feel it had on the game?

MIKE MODANO: Well, it is a great opportunity at that time of the game, already scoring on our first powerplay and having an opportunity on 5-on-3. It is an area of our game that hasn't been too productive 5-on-3s, I think we look around there is certain people that the penalty killers key on and we obviously try to get Zubov and Brett the shot try to work off that. They seem to control the play pretty well. Brodeur made some good saves and we felt confident after obviously scoring our first chance powerplay that we would -- you know, it is a great opportunity, 1-0 with 5-on-3.

Q. So much has been made of the top two lines, the top line on both teams. In a game like this when the Devils put almost everything into shutting your line down how much do you need a second line to step up and have some sort of scoring --

MIKE MODANO: Tonight we felt we never played against the Arnott line. It was mainly Gomez's. Obviously it was some change from Game 2 but you know, we are put out there. We play against who they want us to play against. Obviously the key to our success is our depth and if we are scoring, you know, one or two goals a game we still need those -- you still need support. That is the way it was last year. We always got key goals from everybody throughout your lineup and made life a lot easier.

Q. Why do you think you didn't play so much against Arnott's line because after Game 2 you said that is the matchup that you guys wanted?

MIKE MODANO: We felt after Game 2 that that would be a definitive matchup. There wasn't -- there was some times that we were against them, but it wasn't as consistent as the Game 2 in Jersey.

Q. I know a lot of times shots aren't necessarily indicative of how games are going, but they have had a huge shot -- shots advantage in the three game. How concerned are you that they have got a pretty good edge on you guys?

MIKE MODANO: Well, we feel very flat-footed in the neutral zone. I think we are standing around trying to check flat-footed; they come through the neutral zone pretty fast and they got some defensemen who can skate. And they counter off mistakes very well; trying to make the cross-ice passes a lot and they are able to intercept them and turn them into good scoring chances, but that is usually not our typical style. We usually tight check; don't allow too many shots throughout the game and it has been a problem that we have been trying to address throughout the first three games.

Q. Do you think what were you thinking when Marty Brodeur threw you a great break there, when he shot the puck into the stands, are you kicking yourself that you didn't take advantage of?

MIKE MODANO: Yeah, that was a great opportunity again that slipped by and we had a couple of great chances there at the end when he tried to go up the middle, I was able to intercept it and Stevens somehow got his stick, the pass to Brett. Brett had a great shot in the slot again but it seemed to bobble on him when he let it go. But, you know, we had our chances. Some of our decisions weren't very good tonight on their goals, and it is -- both teams are very solid with the lead. Is it very tough to take that away.

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