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June 27, 1998

Vincent Lecavalier


VINCENT LECAVALIER: I'm very happy to go to Tampa Bay. It is a job first over all. It is very good for me right now.

Q. What would you like the fans in Tampa Bay to know about you?


Q. What would you like the fans in Tampa Bay to know about you?

VINCENT LECAVALIER: What do they need to know?

Q. What would you like the fans in Tampa Bay to know about you?

VINCENT LECAVALIER: I guess I'm just, I guess I'm the type of guy that likes to pass the puck around and likes to have my teammates, you know, I'm going to go to camp in Tampa Bay and hope for the best. I'm going to train hard this summer and what you are going to see, it is going to be Mr. Esposito and the coach that is going to decide to go back to junior NHL.

Q. You like that, are you relieved?

VINCENT LECAVALIER: I'm going to be relieved when it is over.

Q. What about the pressure?

VINCENT LECAVALIER: Oh, there is lots of pressure, I guess. But it wasn't, it is not like in the season where I couldn't do really anything about it because I can't play hockey. I can't show myself. And I guess I just had to wait and see. So it is just a relief and I'm happy to be in Tampa Bay.

Q. (inaudible.)

VINCENT LECAVALIER: It is real funny. When your name is being called it is the best part, before that you are all nervous and everything.

Q. (inaudible).

VINCENT LECAVALIER: We are going to have to see at camp. I never went against guys in the NHL, so I guess I'm just going to have to see. I'm going to do my best. I'm going to hope for the best and if I ever do good, you know I would like to play in the NHL. If I feel I'm not good enough, then I think it would be better off to play junior than lose the game and improve.

Q. Coming from an area where hockey is relatively

new --

VINCENT LECAVALIER: Like for the Montreal Canadiens where I live there is a lot of pressure from the media and the fans. But I think in Tampa Bay, it is kind of different. From what I hear it is more relaxed. There is also pressure in hockey and you just have to deal with it wherever you play.

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