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October 31, 2000

Lleyton Hewitt


MODERATOR: Questions for Lleyton.

Q. You obviously are aware of his pretty impressive record coming into it. Your thoughts on the match?

LLEYTON HEWITT: You look at the draw and you see Richard Krajicek my first match up, because I got the bye here, obviously I'm a little bit worried. You've got a little bit of added pressure because you don't know how he's going to serve. He can serve you out of the match. I felt he didn't serve great out there today. I took advantage of those times and got the breaks when it counted.

Q. A couple of the guys have said that the courts are playing a bit slower for indoor courts. Does that sort of suit your game against the bigger servers?

LLEYTON HEWITT: Yeah, I found last week played pretty slow in Basel, as well. A totally different surface, though. I don't know if it's just my game totally down to the ground, because I tend to slide a little bit into my groundstrokes. You can't do that at all. You sort of come to a complete stop out there. You got to put on the brakes pretty quickly. I noticed, I had one hit yesterday before I went on the court, it's a totally different change coming from Basel to here.

Q. In terms of the race for Lisbon, it's obviously very tight, yourself and a possible third round match with Tim Henman, right in the mix.

LLEYTON HEWITT: I've got to block that out as much as possible. At the end of the day, we've all played the big tournaments, the top eight players are hopefully going to get in. I think it will be a little bit of an injustice if Andre Agassi missed out and then got in because he won a Grand Slam. Hopefully, you know, I hope Andre gets in for the ATP's sake.

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