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September 2, 1998

Carlos Moya

U.S. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP, Flushing Meadows, New York

Q. Perhaps a little bit of relief at the end. Your thoughts about the match. Did you feel stronger today? Did you play a little -- your thoughts on the courts as well, please?

CARLOS MOYA: At the beginning I start playing really well and taking care of my game. I played very relaxed. I was doing really well; then after set and a half I start to get relaxed and he came back he was -- he is a very good fighter and he took the third set. But I never thought that the match was not under control. Even when I lost the third set I realized that it was going to be difficult for him to beat me because he has no experience in Grand Slam tournaments to play best of five sets, so this counts - experience is very important and we saw in the other match he was cramping and so I can say the experience it counted so much this time.

Q. Looking at this tournament, final Slam of the year, how confident are you of your hopes of perhaps winning the title?

CARLOS MOYA: Well, I just won one match. I want to see my next match against Chang which is going to be really difficult. I don't play my best tennis lately. I didn't win many matches. Maybe it is now when I start to win. But I just want to go slowly, enjoying the court, play my best I can, and try to beat Chang next round. So I don't want to think if I am going to win the tournament. There are so many players playing better than me right now. But I am going to try to find my tennis and find myself.

Q. You said that you haven't been playing well lately. Why do you think you haven't been?

CARLOS MOYA: Well, it happens to me very often. It is very difficult for me to be concentrated the whole year, every tournament. Everybody is playing good tennis and you have to fight for -- even first round you play against an qualie, so it is normal that sometimes you are a little bit down and now this year it was summer season, the hard court season, when I didn't play that well. But I hope I am going to do better in this tournament. I want to play well here because I like this tournament very much. It is a Grand Slam tournament. I am going to do my best and try to get confidence and enjoy on the court.

Q. You have, over the years, made it an objective of yours to play better on other surfaces than clay. You played on grass this year. And on the hard courts. Are you feeling more comfortable on the hard courts?

CARLOS MOYA: Not this year, really. I think I played much better last year on hard court. I played four Finals and I don't know this year maybe because I went to tournaments on clay, I don't know, I don't know exactly what happen. But I didn't play that well on hard. But I want to have a good year where -- when I am going to play well on clay and hard so, that year I think I can become much better player than I am right now. Because if I make the points that I had this year on clay, plus the points I did last year on hard, I think I would be much better than No. 10 - that is what I am right now. So I am going to wait for that year and maybe it is the next one.

Q. What do you think you need to do to become better on hard courts?

CARLOS MOYA: So many things. I can improve so many things. I can improve my serve, my net game, be more aggressive. I am not playing with a lot of confidence now that I cannot take many risks and maybe that, be more aggressive, change a little bit my mind. But I did pretty well last year, so I don't know why I didn't do it this year. But I hope next time it is going to be better than -- on hard court and this one.

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