September 14, 2024
Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland
Royal County Down GC
Quick Quotes
Q. That felt like a bit more of a grind out there today. Talk us through from your perspective?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Well, I think it was for everybody. I thought I played well. Just one bad shot but you know, the rest was hitting a good shot and putting from 20 yards; a 60-footer is a lot. It was really tough.
But I'm happy the way I was on the golf course. And we talked about yesterday, I really focused just on myself and the right attitude and with the right frame of mind to enjoy this test. Because at the end of the day, you can't try to do things too precise. You do your thing, but then nature calls the shot. So it was a good day, and I'm happy that I still have a chance.
Q. Getting away from 17 with the one dropped shot and to save par on 18, how crucial do you think they will be?
MATTEO MANASSERO: They are not birdies but they always feel like them a little bit, and that's how it is out there. I would have loved to not get beaten from the golf course but I think I did really well to finish with two fives to be honest.
Yeah, so I'll take it.
Q. It's going to be a special day tomorrow playing with Rory. Obviously home soil for him, big crowds behind him. You spoke about staying in your own mind. How much will you have to do that tomorrow?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, I guess the same because I try to be always with that attitude but it's going to be really loud, and the crowd is going to be very supportive for Rory.
But at the same time, you know, playing last group in an Irish Open with Rory, it's a nice experience. I played with him in Scotland, so I cannot know how the crowd is. I know that I'm going to hear a lot of, "Go Rory." It's going to be fun.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
