September 13, 2024
Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland
Royal County Down GC
Quick Quotes
Q. Two eagles in win round, how proud are you of your performance?
MATTEO MANASSERO: I played really well. I'm so happy of how I handled myself in difficult conditions this afternoon. So really, really good. I mean, there's not much you can do. You have to hit good shots and the way the golf course is, you need to start it on the right place with the right trajectory, the right shape.
Otherwise it's just not good enough. So I'm really happy the way I've played and obviously with the score.
Q. Do you think having to force yourself -- the shot shape or trajectory forces you to think more to the point where you can just react?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, still, I think you need to be really good at doing what you just said. At the end, golf is about flow and instinct but because you have to think so much about it, you can kind of sometimes end up taking a little bit of that away from -- from the player.
And links golf makes you hit really difficult shots. Everything has that to be right but there needs to be a lot of instinct because you can't really make or add everything up before the shot and then execute it. It needs to be a little bit of both, seeing it ask doing it.
Q. We are 36 holes in, 36 holes to go. How much of a mental and physical fatigue is it after each round?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, it takes a lot of energies out of you, the cold and the wind for sure. But you know, you're playing well, the adrenaline kicks in and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I have a nice rest ahead of me, but I'll be fresh tomorrow for sure. And then I'll be tired at the end of the day and then this is another one.
There is a long way to go, keeping the energies is important. This course is demanding. Yeah, it's not easy.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
