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July 30, 2024

Thorbjorn Olesen

Paris, France

Le Golf National


Quick Quotes

Q. So what's your experience been like in Paris so far? Have you spent much time in there? Have you been to other events in?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: Yeah, we got here pretty early on Friday and did the Opening Ceremony. So yeah, it's been great, especially that Friday, Saturday, Sunday. We've seen a few things. We saw a few of the Danish athletes. We saw them competing.

Obviously you get that sort of atmosphere and you get into it and it's so different from what we do. It's been great hanging out with the athletes, also. It's been great so far.

Q. Was there any sport or athlete that really impressed you the most?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: Yeah, obviously we went to see badminton. We saw Viktor Axelson, which is the best in the world and been for a while. He's a class person and obviously the best at what he does. We saw, it was quite an easy game for him we saw but it was still great to go in there and see it. Yeah, we get to talk to him a little bit, also.

Yeah, went into the tennis, also. Yeah, just being part of it. We spent a bit of time in the Village, which is pretty special.

Q. If you were to medal this week, what would be the first thing that you would do when you get back to your country?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: What would be the first thing I would do? I haven't gotten that far. I think what would be really special is hearing your National Anthem and getting a medal. I think that would be such a different feeling from winning a golf tournament normally, and I think that would be very, very cool. Having your Danish flag and your shirt and stuff, yeah, it's special.

Not sure what we'll do when we get to Denmark but yeah, it would be a lot of fun I think.

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