July 27, 2024
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Earl Grey Golf Club
Q. Alongside Mao Saigo who just shot a tournament, course record 61. Congratulations on a beautiful round of golf. How were you able to shoot such a low score today?
MAO SAIGO: My tee shot and also iron shots are very consistent and I was making a lot of putts so I was very satisfied with how I was playing.
Q. Nine birdies and an eagle. You holed out at the 10th hole. How special was that shot?
MAO SAIGO: I hit really good shot. I didn't know it was going to go in but I really hit a good shot. It was eagle so I was very happy about it.
Q. When you hole shots like that you know it's your day. Was there a pin today that you thought about the magical number of 59? If you did, at what point did I think about it?
MAO SAIGO: In the middle of the round I try not to think about score anymore. I tried to focus on each shot, and when I finished the round, I realized I shot 11-under and I was very surprised.
Q. Well, beautiful round of golf. 11 fairways, 16 greens, and just 23 putts. That's how you get it done. A beautiful 61.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
