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June 7, 2024

Jasmine Paolini

Sara Errani

Paris, France

Press Conference


1-6, 6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Sara, Jasmine, congratulations on reaching the doubles final here at Roland Garros. Can you just give us your thoughts on your performance today and just how it feels to reach this final.

JASMINE PAOLINI: Today was a really tough match. The first set, I mean, we didn't see any ball (laughing). They were just passing, and we were there and trying to fight.

Then we said, okay, worse than this cannot go. We managed to come back. It was a really tough match, but we are happy to be in the final.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. It's quite a big weekend coming up. I wanted to ask you about tomorrow. Sara, can you just tell us a bit about your memories of your final in 2012 and what advice, if any, you might pass on about that first Grand Slam final?

SARA ERRANI: Yeah, it's special moment. Of course, being in slam final is amazing. For sure I will speak with Jasmine. If I can help a little bit, for me would be amazing.

I don't know really what to say. I mean, it's a special moment, and I hope she enjoy. I hope she believe. I believe in her. It's a really tough match, but I think she's an amazing player, so it's tough to speak about her with her here, but this.

Q. Can I ask you which final you're more excited about, Saturday or Sunday?


Q. Yeah.

SARA ERRANI: Both. Both same level. It's unbelievable also to be here to support her. To be in her corner is special also for me. We are so good friends. So it's amazing to see her. She already make me cry today. Let's see tomorrow what we can do, and let's see also Sunday.

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