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June 7, 2024

Carlos Alcaraz

Paris, France

Press Conference

C. ALCARAZ/J. Sinner

2-6, 6-3, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Congrats, Carlitos. Through to another Grand Slam final. Your first here in Roland Garros. What do you think was the key to your win today?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, it was a really close match. I think really high level of tennis. Really high intensity of everything.

I'm going to say the key was that I took my chances that Jannik brought to me in the match. The breakpoints that I had probably I took it -- the first time that we were played the breakpoints, I took it. In the fifth set, the first breakpoint that I had, I took it.

Yeah, I'm going to say that was the key, because in the fifth set he had really good chances to break my serve as well, a lot of 40-All. So I'm going to say that that was the key.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Can you clarify where and when you were cramping this afternoon? How do you feel that you were able to handle this better today than you did a year ago against Novak? Do you feel you're physically and mentally stronger?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, probably. I mean, the cramps in this match, it wasn't as much here as last year.

But, yeah, I'm gonna say I'm stronger mentally. I knew how to deal with these situations. I knew that the cramps is going to put away if I stay there. I know that everything what I have to do if -- well, the situations.

But the cramping, I knew that I have to stay there. I knew that probably I have to make shorter the points. So I knew much better how to do it this year than last year.

Q. Well done today. What did you tell yourself after the first set when you went over and sat down and, you know, he had beaten you pretty soundly at that point? What was going through your head in terms of what you needed to do in the second set, what you needed to change, and how you needed to stay positive? How did you do that?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I knew that I had to change a little bit my shots. Of course I told myself that it's gonna be a long match. It is a Grand Slam, that he had to win two more sets. So it was going to be a long match, so I have to stay positive, to stay there.

I change a little bit my shots. A few shots I'm gonna say 50% with a lot of high, and then try to take more in the court, to stay more aggressive than him because at the beginning of the match he was controlling the match very, very well.

So running, I didn't put him in trouble, in a bad position. In the second set I tried to reverse that situations, to put him in the bad positions that make me stay on the court and hitting good shots. That's what I change.

Q. I just wonder tomorrow how will you prepare? Will you watch the women's final? Will you try and just switch off? Will you watch clips of your opponent? What does the day before a Grand Slam final look like for you?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, tomorrow I'm gonna walk around. I mean, I don't know if I'm gonna go to the court. I have to just be with my team and discuss about tomorrow's scubble (phonetic), let's say, If I'm gonna practice, if I'm not gonna step here in the club. I probably go to somewhere just to have a walk. I don't know.

I remember in the US Open final or US Open, the last three rounds that I didn't practice the day before, so I just walk around and all that stuff, so probably I'm gonna do the same.

Q. Can you talk to us about the French Open and what it meant to you as a kid growing up, playing on clay, watching Rafa dominating this tournament? What was the first French Open you would remember watching as a kid?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I have a special feeling to this tournament, because I remember when I finish school I'm running to my home just to put the TV on and watch the matches here in the French Open.

I watched a lot of matches. Of course Rafa Nadal dominating this tournament for, let's say, 14, 15 years. It's something unbelievable.

I wanted to put my name on that list of the Spanish players who won this tournament. Not only Rafa. Ferrero, Moya, Costa, a lot of Spanish players, legends from our sport that won this tournament, I really want to put my name on that list, as well.

Q. Do you consider yourself as good on clay, hard courts, and grass, or does one feel more natural and comfortable to you? Was that something maybe coming up even in juniors or earlier in your career that you wanted to be able to do was have success on all the surfaces?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I always wanted to be one of the best players in the world. If I want to be, you know, one of the best players in the world, I have to be a good player in every surface, like, Roger did, Novak, Rafa, Murray. The best players in the world had success in every surface.

So I consider myself a player who adapt very well his style in every surface. And, well, I grew up playing on clay but I feel more comfortable playing on hard court, for example.

I think my game suits very well to the clay, to clay season, to the clay court, as well. So I just wanted to be a good player in every surface.

Q. Carlos, it seemed as though Juan Carlos shouted to you after the first set to play with your heart. Was that something that you heard? What does that mean? What does that look like to you, playing with your heart?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, honestly, I didn't hear (smiling). I don't know if it is true or not, but probably he told me that, but he's really far away from the court. Sometimes I don't hear anything he tell me on the court.

But is something that I have very, very person (phonetic), playing with the head, playing with the heart, and the rest, everybody knows that (laughter).

I have a very, very person (phonetic) in every match. So playing with passion, playing with the dream of a little kid who, you know, who dream about playing in these situations. I'm going to say that.

Q. I'm not sure if you're aware of this but they were saying on the broadcast you're the youngest player to reach the Grand Slam final on all three surfaces; grass, hard court, and clay. Did you know that? What does that achievement mean to you?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, I knew that (smiling). I mean, I check the phone after the win. Yeah, it's something great. Breaking new records for me is great, great successful for me.

Honestly, before the final is something that I really don't want to think about it, but obviously that means that, as I said, I'm playing a good tennis in every surface, that is something that I really wanted to do when I started in the tour.

So it's a great feeling, but right now, I don't want to think about it.

THE MODERATOR: Before we move into Spanish, maybe just a few words about possibly playing Casper or Sascha in the final, the two possibilities.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, of course both players are playing great tennis. Casper reach the final here the last two years. That means the player, he has really good tennis on clay, really tough one. Let's see.

Of course I played a final against him in US Open. Here of course it is gonna to be really different one than the US Open, but, I mean, I try to take advantage from the final we played.

And Sascha, as well, he's playing great tennis on clay. Big serve, big shots, really solid one.

It's going to be a really interesting final if I'm going to face Casper or Sascha. So I'll try to take the good things that I did in the previous matches and try to improve the bad things that I did against both of them.

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